Trace, Log, Text, Narrative, Data
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Trace, Log, Text, Narrative, Data

An Analysis Pattern Reference for Information Mining, Diagnostics, Anomaly Detection, Fifth Edition

About the Book

General trace and log analysis patterns allow the application of uniform diagnostics and anomaly detection across diverse software environments. This pattern language covers any execution artifact from a small debugging trace to a distributed log with billions of messages from hundreds of computers, thousands of software components, threads, and processes. Pattern-oriented trace and log analysis is applicable to troubleshooting and debugging Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Android, iOS, z/OS, and any other possible computer platform, including networking and IoT. Its pattern catalog is a part of pattern-oriented software data analysis, diagnostics, anomaly detection, forensics, prognostics, root cause analysis, and debugging developed by Software Diagnostics Institute. Also, the scope of applicability of such analysis patterns is much wider than just software execution artifacts or temporal data and now includes general data, narratives, text, and image analysis (space-like narratology). This reference reprints with corrections almost 230 patterns originally published in Memory Dump Analysis Anthology volumes 3 - 14 and Software Diagnostics Library. It also includes additional 19 analysis patterns from the forthcoming volume 15, bringing the total analysis pattern count to 229. Full-color diagrams accompany almost all pattern descriptions. The fifth edition includes 28 more patterns, updated diagram pictures, classification, and the list of narratological and mathematical influences, and now includes the long-awaited introduction and two new appendixes.

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About the Author

Dmitry Vostokov
Dmitry Vostokov

Dmitry Vostokov is an internationally recognized expert, speaker, educator, scientist, inventor, and author. He is the founder of pattern-oriented software diagnostics, forensics, and prognostics discipline (Systematic Software Diagnostics), and Software Diagnostics Institute. Vostokov has also authored more than 50 books on software diagnostics, anomaly detection and analysis, software and memory forensics, root cause analysis and problem solving, memory dump analysis, debugging, software trace and log analysis, reverse engineering and malware analysis. He has more than 25 years of experience in software architecture, design, development and maintenance in a variety of industries including leadership, technical and people management roles. Dmitry also founded Syndromatix,, BriteTrace, DiaThings, Logtellect, OpenTask Iterative and Incremental Publishing, Software Diagnostics Technology and Services (former Memory Dump Analysis Services), and Software Prognostics. In his spare time, he presents various topics on Debugging TV and explores Software Narratology, its further development as Narratology of Things and Diagnostics of Things (DoT), Software Pathology, and Quantum Software Diagnostics. His current areas of interest are theoretical software diagnostics and its mathematical and computer science foundations, application of formal logic, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data mining to diagnostics and anomaly detection, software diagnostics engineering and diagnostics-driven development, diagnostics workflow and interaction. Recent interest areas also include cloud native computing, security, automation, functional programming, applications of category theory to software diagnostics, development and big data, and diagnostics of artificial intelligence.

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Software Diagnostics Institute
Software Diagnostics Institute

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 3

Preface to the Fifth Edition 18

Preface to the Fourth Edition 19

Preface to the Third Edition 20

Preface to the Second Edition 21

Preface to the First Edition 22

About the Author 23

Introduction 24

A 33

Abnormal Value 33

Activity Disruption 34

Activity Divergence 36

Activity Overlap 37

Activity Packet 39

Activity Quantum 40

Activity Region 41

Activity Theatre 42

Adjoint Message 43

Adjoint Space 45

Adjoint Thread of Activity 48

Anchor Messages 53

B 56

Back Trace 56

Background and Foreground Components 57

Basic Facts 60

Bifurcation Point 61

Blackout 63

Braid Group 65

Braid of Activity 66

Break-in Activity 67

C 68

Calibrating Trace 68

Cartesian Trace 69

Case Messages 70

Causal Chains 71

Causal History 73

Causal Messages 74

Characteristic Message Block 75

Circular Trace 78

CoActivity 80

Collapsed Message 81

Combed Trace 82

Container Trace 83

Cord of Activity 84

Correlated Discontinuity 86

Corrupt Message 87

CoTrace (CoLog, CoData) 88

Counter Value 91

Coupled Activities 92

Critical Point 93

D 94

Data Association 94

Data Flow 95

Data Interval 96

Data Reversal 97

Data Selector 99

De Broglie Trace Duality 100

Declarative Trace 102

Defamiliarizing Effect 103

Defect Group 105

Definition Trace 106

Delay Dynamics 107

Denormalized Message 108

Density Distribution 109

Dialogue 110

Diegetic Messages 113

Discontinuity 115

Dominant Event Sequence 117

Drone Message 118

E 119

Embedded Trace 119

Empty Trace 120

Equivalent Messages 121

Error Distribution 122

Error Message 123

Error Powerset 124

Error Thread 125

Event Sequence Order 126

Event Sequence Phase 127

Exception Stack Trace 129

Explanation Trace 131

F 132

Factor Group 132

False Positive Error 134

Feature of Activity 135

Fiber Bundle 136

Fiber of Activity 138

File Size 139

Flag 140

Focus of Tracing 141

Fourier Activity 142

G 144

Galois Trace 144

Generative Trace 145

Glued Activity 146

Gossip 148

Guest Component 149

H 151

Hedges 151

Hidden Error 153

Hidden Facts 154

I 155

Identification Messages 155

Implementation Discourse 157

Impossible Trace 158

Incomplete History 159

Indexical Trace 160

Indirect Facts 161

Indirect Message 162

Inter-Correlation 167

Interspace 169

Intra-Correlation 170

Intrinsic ID 173

L 174

Last Activity 174

Layered Periodization 175

Linked Messages 178

M 180

Macrofunction 180

Marked Message 181

Master Trace 182

Measurement 183

Message Annotations 185

Message Bond 186

Message Change 187

Message Complex 189

Message Context 191

Message Cover 192

Message Directory 193

Message Essence 195

Message Flow 196

Message Interleave 197

Message Invariant 198

Message Metadata 199

Message Pattern 201

Message Set 202

Message Space 203

Meta Trace 204

Milestones 205

Minimal Trace 206

Missing Component 207

Missing Data 209

Missing Message 210

Moduli Trace 211

Motif 214

Motivic Trace 215

Multidimensional Message 216

N 217

News Value 217

No Activity 219

No Trace Metafile 222

Null Reference 223

O 225

Opposition Messages 225

Original Message 226

Ornament 227

P 229

Palimpsest Messages 229

Periodic Error 231

Periodic Message Block 233

Phantom Activity 234

Phase Transition 235

Piecewise Activity 238

Pivot Message 240

Poincaré Trace 244

Polytrace 246

Projective Space 247

Punctuated Activity 249

Q 250

Quotient Trace 250

R 251

Random Data 251

Recovered Messages 252

Relative Density 253

Renormalization 254

Resume Activity 255

Ruptured Trace 257

S 259

Script Messages 259

Semantic Field 260

Sequence Repeat Anomaly 262

Serial Trace 263

Shared Point 265

Sheaf of Activities 266

Signal 268

Significant Event 270

Significant Interval 271

Silent Messages 272

Singleton Event 274

Singleton Trace 275

Small DA+TA 276

Sorted Trace 278

Sparse Trace 279

Split Message 280

Split Trace 282

State and Event 283

State Dump 285

Statement Density and Current 286

Strand of Activity 290

Surveyor 291

T 292

Tensor Trace 292

Text Trace 294

Thread of Activity 296

Time Delta 298

Time Scale 299

Timeout 300

Trace Acceleration 303

Trace Braidoids 304

Trace Constants 306

Trace Contour 307

Trace D’Enfant 308

Trace Dimension 309

Trace Extension 311

Trace Fabric 312

Trace Field 314

Trace Flux 315

Trace Foliation 316

Trace Frames 318

Trace Homotopy 320

Trace Join 321

Trace Mask 322

Trace Molecule 324

Trace Nerve 326

Trace Partition 327

Trace Path 329

Trace Presheaf 330

Trace Quilt 331

Trace Retract 332

Trace Schema 333

Trace Shape 335

Trace Sharding 336

Trace Similarity 337

Trace Skeleton 339

Trace String 341

Trace Summary 343

Trace Viewpoints 344

Trace Window 346

Traceme 347

Traces of Individuality 348

Translated Message 349

Truncated Data 351

Truncated Trace 352

U 353

UI Message 353

Ultrasimilar Messages 354

Unsynchronized Messages 355

Unsynchronized Traces 357

Use Case Trail 359

V 360

Visibility Limit 360

Visitor Trace 361

Vocabulary Index 362

W 363

Watch Thread 363

Whisker Trace 365

Weave of Activity 366

Working Set 367

Appendix 369

Classification 369

Activity 369

Block 370

Data 370

Error 371

Large Scale 371

Message 372

Trace as a Whole 374

Trace Set 375

Vocabulary 376

Memory 376

Code 376

Text 376

Narratological and Mathematical Influences 377

Traces and Logs as 2-categories 380

Mathematical Concepts 382

Index of Patterns 384

Bibliography 393

Notes 395

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