Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 3, Revised Edition
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Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 3, Revised Edition

About the Book

This reference volume consists of revised, edited, cross-referenced, and thematically organized articles from Software Diagnostics Institute and Software Diagnostics Library (former Crash Dump Analysis blog) written in October 2008 - June 2009. In addition to various corrections, this major revision updates relevant links and removes obsolete references. Some articles are preserved for historical reasons. Most of the content, especially memory analysis and trace and log analysis pattern languages, is still relevant today and for the foreseeable future. The output of WinDbg commands is also remastered to include color highlighting. Crash dump analysis pattern names are also corrected to reflect the continued expansion of the catalog.

Compared to the second revised volume, the third revised volume features:

  • 15 new crash dump analysis patterns
  • 29 new pattern interaction case studies
  • Trace analysis patterns
  • Fully cross-referenced with Volume 1 and Volume 2
  • New appendixes

The primary audience for Memory Dump Analysis Anthology reference volumes is: software engineers developing and maintaining products on Windows platforms, technical support, escalation, and site reliability engineers dealing with complex software issues, quality assurance engineers testing software on Windows platforms, security and vulnerability researchers, reverse engineers, malware and memory forensics analysts. Trace and log analysis articles may be of interest to users of other platforms.

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About the Author

Dmitry Vostokov
Dmitry Vostokov

Dmitry Vostokov is an internationally recognized expert, speaker, educator, scientist, inventor, and author. He is the founder of pattern-oriented software diagnostics, forensics, and prognostics discipline (Systematic Software Diagnostics), and Software Diagnostics Institute. Vostokov has also authored more than 50 books on software diagnostics, anomaly detection and analysis, software and memory forensics, root cause analysis and problem solving, memory dump analysis, debugging, software trace and log analysis, reverse engineering and malware analysis. He has more than 25 years of experience in software architecture, design, development and maintenance in a variety of industries including leadership, technical and people management roles. Dmitry also founded Syndromatix,, BriteTrace, DiaThings, Logtellect, OpenTask Iterative and Incremental Publishing, Software Diagnostics Technology and Services (former Memory Dump Analysis Services), and Software Prognostics. In his spare time, he presents various topics on Debugging TV and explores Software Narratology, its further development as Narratology of Things and Diagnostics of Things (DoT), Software Pathology, and Quantum Software Diagnostics. His current areas of interest are theoretical software diagnostics and its mathematical and computer science foundations, application of formal logic, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data mining to diagnostics and anomaly detection, software diagnostics engineering and diagnostics-driven development, diagnostics workflow and interaction. Recent interest areas also include cloud native computing, security, automation, functional programming, applications of category theory to software diagnostics, development and big data, and diagnostics of artificial intelligence.

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Table of Contents

Preface 17

Acknowledgments 19

About the Author 20

PART 1: Professional Crash Dump Analysis 21

Sparse Complete x64 Memory Dumps 21

Common Mistakes 24

Not Looking at All Stack Traces 24

Dump Analysis on Windows 7 28

32-bit Stack Traces from x64 Complete Memory Dumps 43

Debugger Log Reading Technique 48

Variable Kernel Stack in Vista and W2K8 49

Advanced Local Procedure Call WinDbg Extension 52

!cs vs. !ntsdexts.locks 54

Copyright as Timestamp 55

NULL Data Pointer Pattern: Case Study 56

Looking for Abnormal: Case Study 60

Raw Stack Dump of All Threads 62

Comparative Memory Dump Analysis: CPU Spikes 63

Graphical Notation for Memory Dumps 68

Exception Addresses from Event Logs 71

The Importance of Symbols 72

Platformorphism 75

PART 2: Crash Dump Analysis Patterns 77

Data Alignment (Page Boundary) 77

Multiple Exceptions (Kernel Mode) 78

C++ Exception 84

Deadlock (Mixed Objects, Kernel Space) 85

Wait Chain (Thread Objects) 92

Divide by Zero (User Mode) 96

Wait Chain (LPC/ALPC) 97

Insufficient Memory (Physical Memory) 104

Swarm of Shared Locks 107

Process Factory 112

Paged Out Data 118

Semantic Split 120

Pass-Through Function 129

NULL Pointer (Data) 131

JIT Code (.NET) 132

PART 3: Crash Dump Analysis AntiPatterns 137

No Question 137

Missing Space 138

PART 4: Pattern Interaction 141

Early Crash Dump, Blocked Thread, Not My Version, and Lost Opportunity 141

Lateral Damage, Stack Overflow, and Execution Residue 144

Truncated Dump, Spiking Thread, Not My Version, and Hooked Functions 149

Stack Trace Collection, Hidden Exception, and NULL Code Pointer 155

WOW64, Blocked Threads, and Coupled Processes 160

Invalid Handle, Stack Trace Collection, Multiple Exceptions, Invalid Pointer, Data Alignment on Page Boundary, Dynamic Memory Corruption, and Not My Version 163

Wait Chain and Spiking Thread 167

Blocked GUI Thread, Wait Chain, and Virtualized Process 170

Insufficient Memory, Handle Leak, Wait Chain, Deadlock, Inconsistent Dump, and Overaged System 175

Memory Leak, Spiking Threads, Wait Chain, High Critical Section Contention, and Module Variety 181

NULL Code Pointer, Changed Environment, Hooked Functions, and Execution Residue 196

Swarm of Shared Locks, Blocked Threads, and Waiting Time 201

Stack Trace Collection, Blocked Thread, and Coupled Processes 205

Insufficient Memory, Handle Leak, Process Factory, High Contention, and Busy System 209

Busy System, Blocked Threads, Wait Chains, and Deadlock 215

Manual Dump, Dynamic Memory Corruption, Blocked Threads, Stack Trace Collection, Multiple Exceptions, Wait Chains and Deadlock 224

Coupled Processes, Wait chains, Message Box, Waiting Thread Time, Paged Out Data, Incorrect Stack Trace, Hidden Exception, Unknown Component, and Execution Residue 228

Manual Dump, Wait Chain, Blocked Thread, Dynamic Memory Corruption, and Historical Information 236

Blocked Threads, Message Box, and Self-Diagnosis 240

Manual and Early Crash Dump, Stack Trace Collection, Main Thread, Blocked Threads, and Pass-Through Functions 241

Blocked Thread, Historical Information, Execution Residue, Hidden Exception, Dynamic Memory Corruption, Incorrect Stack Trace, and Not My Version 245

Null Data Pointer, Incorrect Stack Trace, Changed Environment, Hooked Functions, and Coincidental Symbolic Information 248

Heap Corruption, Module Variety, Execution Residue, Coincidental Symbolic Information, and Critical Section Corruption 255

Stack Trace Collection, Blocked Threads, Pass-Through Functions, and Main Thread 262

Stack Trace, Invalid Code Pointer, and Hooked Functions 264

Manual Dump, Virtualized Process, Stack Trace Collection, Multiple Exceptions, Optimized Code, Wild Code Pointer, Incorrect Stack Trace, and Hidden Exception 268

Main Blocked Thread, Missing Component, Execution Residue, and Data Contents Locality 275

Inconsistent Dump, Blocked Threads, Wait Chains, Incorrect Stack Trace, and Process Factory 279

Invalid Pointer, Incorrect Stack Trace, Multiple Exceptions, Insufficient Memory, and Memory Leak 288

PART 5: A Bit of Science and Philosophy 295

Universal Memory Dump: A Definition 295

The Source of Intuition about Infinite 296

Geometrical Debugging 297

Riemann Programming Language 299

Is Memory Dump Analysis a Science? 300

My Dangerous Idea: Parameterized Science 301

Unique Events and Historical Narratives 302

Notes on Memoidealism 303

A Copernican Revolution in Debugging 305

On Subjectivity of Software Defects 306

Memory Field Theories of Memuonics 307

Software Trace: A Mathematical Definition 308

Quantum Memory Dumps 309

Chemistry of Virtual Memory 310

PART 6: Fun with Crash Dumps 313

Music for Debugging 313

Bugs Never Disappear 313

Horrors of Computation 314

Passion, Intellect, and Expression 315

Headphones for Debugging 316

In the Memory Dump File 317

Bugteriology 318

Implausible Debugging Book Titles 319

Build Date Astrology 320

Breaking Technical Barrier 321

Occult Debugging 322

The Year of Dump Analysis! 323

Stack Traces and Poetry 324

Debugging Slang 326

Memory Dump Analysis Walks 327

E-Acheri 329

The Meaning of DATA 330

Irish Government on Dumps 331

Memory Dumps as Relics 332

The Ghost of Adelphi Training Center 333

PART 7: Software Troubleshooting 335

I’m RARE 335

To Bugcheck or Not To Bugcheck 336

T&D Labyrinth 337

Efficient vs. Effective: DATA View 339

PART 8: Software Trace Analysis 341

Tracing Best Practices 341

Software Narratology: A Definition 342

PART 9: Software Trace Analysis Patterns 343

Introduction 343

Periodic Error 344

Basic Facts 345

Circular Trace 346

Intra-Correlation 347

PART 10: The Origin of Crash Dumps 351

Hide, Seek, and Dump 351

OSMOSIS Memory Dumps 353

Tools 356

Crash2Hang 356

MTCrash 358

Where did the Crash Dump Come from? 363

FinalExceptionHandler 364

PART 11: Memory Visualization 367

The Art of Memory Corruption 367

Visualizing Secondary Storage 368

Pictures from Memory Space 369

PART 12: Miscellaneous 375

Hexadecimal/Decimal Chaos 375

The Measure of Debugging and Memory Dump Analysis Complexity 376

How To Simulate a Process Hang? 377

A Windows Case for Delta Debugging 378

Sentinel Pointers 380

Collapsed Stack Trace 381

Appendix A 383

Crash Dump File Examples 383

Appendix B 385

Crash Dump Analysis Checklist 385

Appendix C 389

Memory Dump Analysis Pattern: A Definition 389

Wait Chain Patterns 389

DLL Link Patterns 389

Insufficient Memory Patterns 390

Dynamic Memory Corruption Patterns 390

Deadlock Patterns 390

Index of WinDbg Commands 391

Cover Images 394

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