Advanced Antenna Theory
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Advanced Antenna Theory

Notes and problems from UofT ECE1229H 2015

About the Book

This book contains course notes from the Spring 2015 session of the University of Toronto Advanced Antenna Theory course (ECE1229H), taught by Professor G. V. Eleftheriades.

About the Author

Peeter Joot
Peeter Joot

Peeter Joot is a math and physics enthusiast with a love of geometric algebra.

Peeter's education includes a B.A.Sc from UofT (1997 Engineering Science - computer engineering), 2019 UofT M.Eng (ECE electromagnetics), a lot of self-study, and non-degree study of most of the interesting 4th year UofT undergrad physics courses.

Peeter's day job is software development. He has over 20 years of experience with low level systems programing, operating system and hardware abstraction and exploitation, concurrency, and large scale refactoring. Peeter works for LzLabs and now has fun with PL/I, COBOL, JCL, VSAM, CICS and other legacy subsystems sure to scare away most developers of his generation.

Table of Contents

  • Copyright
  • Document Version
  • Dedication
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • List of Figures
  • Antenna Theory
  • 1 Fundamental parameters of Antennas
  • 1.1 Poynting vector
  • 1.2 Typical far-field radiation intensity
  • 1.3 Field plots
  • 1.4 dB vs dBi
  • 1.5 Trig integrals
  • 1.6 Polarization vectors
  • 1.7 Phasor power
  • 1.8 Radar cross section examples
  • 1.9 Scattering from a sphere vs frequency
  • 1.10 EIRP
  • 1.11 Free space impedance
  • 1.12 Notation
  • 1.13 Problems
  • 2 Maxwell's equations
  • 2.1 Review
  • 2.2 Constitutive relations
  • 2.3 Boundary conditions
  • 2.4 Linear time invariant
  • 2.5 Green's functions
  • 2.6 Tangential and normal field components
  • 2.7 Energy momentum conservation
  • 2.8 Duality transformation
  • 2.9 Reciprocity theorem
  • 2.10 Notation
  • 2.11 Problems
  • 3 Linear wire antennas
  • 3.1 Magnetic Vector Potential
  • 3.2 Plots of infinitesimal dipole radial dependence
  • 3.3 Electric Far field for a spherical potential
  • 3.4 Magnetic Far field for a spherical potential
  • 3.5 Plane wave relations between electric and magnetic fields
  • 3.6 Transverse only nature of the far-field fields
  • 3.7 Duality transformation of the far field fields
  • 3.8 Vertical dipole reflection coefficient
  • 3.9 Horizontal dipole reflection coefficient
  • 3.10 Resolving fields into components parallel to the reflecting plane
  • 3.11 Image theorem
  • 3.12 Problems
  • 4 Antenna arrays
  • 4.1 Chebyscheff polynomials
  • 4.2 Problems
  • 5 Aperature antennas
  • 5.1 Problems
  • 6 Microstrip antennas
  • 6.1 Problems
  • Geometric Algebra formalism
  • 7 Electric sources
  • 7.1 Maxwell's equation in GA phasor form
  • 7.2 Preliminaries. Dual magnetic form of Maxwell's equations
  • 7.3 Constructing a potential representation
  • 7.4 Maxwell's equation in Four vector form
  • 7.5 Helmholtz equation directly from the GA form
  • 8 Magnetic sources
  • 8.1 Dual-Maxwell's equation in GA phasor form
  • 8.2 Preliminaries. Dual magnetic form of Maxwell's equations
  • 8.3 Constructing a potential representation
  • 8.4 Maxwell's equation in Four vector form
  • 8.5 Helmholtz equation directly from the GA form
  • 9 Electric and magnetic sources
  • 9.1 Space time split
  • 9.2 Covariant form
  • 9.3 Trial potential solution
  • 9.4 Lorentz gauge application to Helmholtz
  • 9.5 Recovering the fields
  • 10 Reciprocity theorem
  • 11 Relation to tensor form
  • 12 Parallel projection of electromagnetic fields
  • Fields and Waves
  • 13 Fields and Waves
  • 13.1 coupled wave equation in cylindrical coordinates
  • 13.2 Impedance transformation
  • 13.3 Problems
  • Appendices
  • A Prof. Eleftheriades' handwriting decoder ring
  • B Mathematica notebooks
  • C Julia notebooks
  • D Matlab notebooks
  • Bibliography

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