Advanced ChatGPT for Agile Project Management
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Advanced ChatGPT for Agile Project Management

Get Beyond ChatGPT Misinformation and Improve Your Agile Project with Artificial Intelligence.

About the Book

The purpose of this book, "Advanced ChatGPT and Agile Project Management," is to

provide a comprehensive guide for advanced users of ChatGPT and experienced

Agile Project Managers. The book aims to bridge the gap between the

cutting-edge technology of AI, specifically the ChatGPT model, and 

the dynamic, iterative practices of Agile Project Management.

The objective is to explore how the capabilities of ChatGPT can be harnessed

to enhance various phases, practices, and techniques of Agile Project 

Management. This includes envisioning, speculating, exploring,

adapting, and closing phases of the Agile lifecycle. The book provides practical

examples, detailed explanations, and prompt engineering techniques

to integrate ChatGPT into Agile practices effectively.

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About the Author

Adam Russell
Adam Russell

Adam writes about project management on his blog “Adam On Projects” and in his books and other content at He is also an expert in applying ChatGPT to project environments and has written several books on ChatGPT.

Adam coaches and mentors other project managers, and consults on various projects around the world.

Adam Russell has successfully delivered software development, software package, and systems integration projects for nearly 40 years, using both Agile and traditional approaches.

Adam started as a software developer, and then moved into pre-sales technical support when the IBM PC launched. He launched his project management career after he helped to close a significant government deal. The head of projects said: “You helped sell it. Now, you can deliver it”.

Since then, Adam has worked for companies ranging from 1-person startups to global tier-1 vendors and customer organisations in roles ranging from hands-on project manager through to General Manager of Systems Integration.

In those roles, Adam has been responsible for delivering hundreds of projects, ranging in budget from $5k up to over $100m. Adam also volunteers his time and skills with non-profit organisations.

Table of Contents

    • Getting Engaged with this Book and its Author
    • Notes about this version
      • This is the Beta Version
    Part 1 - Introduction
    • Introduction
      • Agile Project Management
      • OpenAI ChatGPT
      • The Problems I’m trying to solve
      • Embrace the possibilities of ChatGPT and Agile Project Management
      • Automation vs Augmentation
      • ChatGPT was involved with writing this book
      • The Purpose of this Book
      • Who This Book Is For
      • How to Read This Book
    • Why Do You Want to Use ChatGPT in your Agile Projects?
      • What is your purpose?
        • Some Reflective Questions
        • Conclusion
      • What Is Role Should ChatGPT Play in Your Agile Project?
        • 1. Oracle
        • 2. Muse
        • 3. Editorial Collaborator
        • 4. Proofreader
        • 5. Copy Editor
        • 6. Research Assistant
        • 7. Robot/Slave
        • Additional Roles to Consider
        • Conclusion
      • Best Practices for Interacting with ChatGPT in Various Roles
        • 1. Oracle
        • 2. Muse
        • 3. Editorial Collaborator
        • 4. Proofreader
        • 5. Copy Editor
        • 6. Research Assistant
        • 7. Robot/Slave
        • 8. Consultant
        • Conclusion
    Part 2 - Background to AI in Project Management
    • Project Management in the 21st Century
      • Changes in Project Management since 2001
        • The 2000s
        • The 2010s
        • The 2020s
    • Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
      • A Recap on Artificial Intelligence
        • Artificial Intelligence – A Simple Breakdown
        • Summary of Technology Progression
        • Technology Evolution
        • Conclusion
      • The Artificial Intelligence “Tipping Point”
      • The Tipping Point Unpacked
      • Massive Reductions in Costs and Time to Deliver
        • Conclusion
      • Project Management and Artificial Intelligence
        • History of AI in Project Management
    Part 3 - The AI Black-box Mindset
    • Artificial Intelligence: The New Generic Application
      • The Artificial Intelligence Appliance
        • ChatGPT as an AI Appliance
        • Why all the Confusion about ChatGPT?
        • Who cares about the training process?
        • ChatGPT: What’s Under the Hood Doesn’t Matter.
      • The ChatGPT Black Box Mindset
      • The ChatGPT Black Box Interface
        • Why the Black Box Interface is the right place to start
        • We’ve Made the Turing Test Redundant
      • Three Analogies for "Black Box" Interaction
        • Human Communications as a “Black Box” Use Case
        • Search Engine Optimisation
        • Savant Syndrome
    • Unpacking the ChatGPT Black Box Mindset
      • Six Components Enable One Mindset
      • Engage the Black-Box Interface
        • ChatGPT Characteristics
        • Conclusion
      • Play to ChatGPT Strengths
        • GPT Key Strengths
        • Strengths Deep Dive
        • Strengths Categorisation Taxonomy
        • Conclusion
      • Understand Critical ChatGPT Constraints
      • SWOT Analyses of ChatGPT
      • Conclusion
      • Focus on What the User can Control
        • Deciding on the Strategy for ChatGPT Use in a User’s Problem Domain
        • User Attitude & Expectations of ChatGPT
        • Prompt Structure and Content
        • Interaction Use Cases
      • ChatGPT Prompt and Data Use Cases
      • Use Cases for Interaction with ChatGPT
        • Use Case 1: Simple Text Completion (Prompt only)
        • Use Case 2: Simple Text Completion with Context (Prompt and Context)
        • Use Case 3a: Prompt and Data (Data is appended to the prompt)
        • Use Case 3b: Prompt and Data with Context (Same as Use Case 3a but adding Context)
        • Use Case 4a: Multi-Step No Context (one or more data blocks are preloaded to ChatGPT with ID’s that will be referenced in later prompts)
        • Use Case 4b: Multi-Step With Context (same as Use Case 4a but adding Context)
        • Use Case 5: Input data in Context (A bare prompt - no data appended - and Context data which includes some data to be processed, e.g. a project description)
        • Use Case 6: Multi-Step With Context/Data (same as use case 4b but where the context also contains data to be processed)
        • Conclusion
        • ChatGPT Product Interaction
        • Use of ChatGPT Responses
      • Adopt Curious Abundance
      • Adopt Black-box Governance
      • Automation vs Augmentation in ChatGPT Applications
    Part 4 - Integrating AI in Agile Project Management
    • Integrating ChatGPT in the Agile Lifecycle
      • The Agile Framework and ChatGPT: An Overview
      • An Organising Framework for Agile Project Management
        • The Framework at a Glance: Agile Enterprise
        • Agile Project Management Framework: An Overview
        • “Zones of Interest” in the Agile Project
        • The APM Framework Zones of Interest
        • Conclusion
      • Organic prompting
        • Why Not Just Start with Prompt Engineering?
        • The Foundations of Organic Prompting
        • Principles of Organic Prompting
        • Example of Organic Prompting
        • Organic Prompt “Nudges”
        • When is Organic Prompting The Wrong Approach?
      • Grow with Advanced Organic Prompting
        • Satisficing is Satisfaction
      • Prompt Types and Structures: A Summary
        • Prompt Structure Taxonomy (Syntactic Form)
        • Prompt Type Taxonomy (Functional Purpose)
        • Conclusion
      • Organic Planning
        • Basic Interacting with ChatGPT
        • From Interaction to I-P-O
      • ChatGPT and your Agile Project Management Data
        • ChatGPT Input Data Formats
        • Conclusion:
      • Using ChatGPT Generated Data in your Agile Projects
        • Data Formats that ChatGPT Can Generate
        • ASCII Diagrams in ChatGPT
      • Expanding Beyond ChatGPT - A Personal Journey
      • Add on utilities
        • TextExpander: Streamlining Text Input for ChatGPT Users
        • Key Features
        • Summary
      • Workflow Tools
        • Zapier
      • WebBrowser Plug-ins
      • Spreadsheet Add-ons
        • TreeWiz: An Excel Add-in for Hierarchical Data Management
        • TableWiz: An Excel Add-in for Efficient Table Management
      • Custom Code
      • Third-party Websites
    • ChatGPT in Your Workplace
      • Preparing Your Team for AI Collaboration
        • Understanding AI Capabilities and Limitations
        • Training and Onboarding
        • Establishing AI Ethics Guidelines
        • Encouraging AI Adoption
        • Continual Learning and Adaptation
        • Conclusion
      • Setting Boundaries: When to Use AI vs Human Insight
        • Understanding the Strengths of AI
        • Recognising the Value of Human Insight
        • Striking the Right Balance
        • Conclusion
      • Applying ChatGPT Responses to your Domain
        • Deterministic vs Non-deterministic Responses
        • Automation vs Augmentation in ChatGPT Applications
        • Who touched the content last?
        • Workflow Analysis
      • Ethical Considerations in AI Usage
        • Privacy
        • Transparency
        • Accountability
        • Fairness
        • Conclusion
      • Data Privacy and Security
        • OpenAI on Privacy and Security
        • Adopting a Privacy and Security Approach for ChatGPT in your projects
    • ChatGPT and Agile Project Management Reference models
      • The Agile Project Management Reference model
        • Envision
        • Speculate
        • Explore
        • Adapt
        • Close
      • The ChatGPT Prompt Reference Model
      • The Content Reference Model
        • Content Architecture
        • Agile Project Management Data
        • The Artificial Intelligence Solutions Reference Model
    Part 5 - ChatGPT In Agile PM By Phase
    • Envision Phase with ChatGPT
      • Benefits in Ideation and Conceptualisation
        • Enhanced Creativity
        • Improved Communication
        • Accelerated Process
      • Stakeholder Communication Aided by AI
        • Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement with ChatGPT
        • Using ChatGPT for Stakeholder Education
        • ChatGPT as a Tool for Conflict Resolution
        • Improving Transparency with ChatGPT
      • Example Prompts and Applications
        • Ideation and Conceptualisation
        • Stakeholder Communication
    • Speculate Phase with ChatGPT
      • AI in Feature Scoping and Speculation
        • Feature Scoping with ChatGPT
        • Speculation with ChatGPT
        • Leveraging ChatGPT for Advanced Speculation
        • Conclusion
      • Risk Assessment with ChatGPT
        • Identifying Risks with ChatGPT
        • Assessing Risk Impact and Probability
        • Planning Risk Mitigation Strategies
        • Continuous Risk Monitoring
        • Conclusion
      • Example Prompts and Applications
        • Feature Scoping
        • Risk Assessment
        • Estimation
        • Stakeholder Communication
        • Conclusion
    • Explore Phase with ChatGPT
      • Code Assistance and Design Feedback
        • Explore Phase with ChatGPT
      • Exploration in the AI Age
        • AI-Assisted Code Review
        • AI in Test Case Generation
        • AI in Design Feedback
        • AI in Exploratory Testing
        • Conclusion
      • Example Prompts and Applications
        • Code Review Assistance
        • Design Feedback
        • Documentation Assistance
        • Conclusion
    • Adapt Phase with ChatGPT
      • Synthesising Feedback Using AI
        • Using ChatGPT to Process Feedback
        • ChatGPT for Feedback Categorisation
        • ChatGPT for Feedback Prioritisation
        • Conclusion
      • AI-Driven Adaptations and Improvements
        • Using ChatGPT for Iterative Improvements
        • Leveraging ChatGPT for Decision Making
        • ChatGPT for Risk Management
        • Conclusion
      • Example Prompts and Applications
        • Synthesising Feedback
        • AI-Driven Adaptations and Improvements
        • Conclusion
    • Close Phase with ChatGPT
      • The Role of AI in Project Retrospectives
        • Enhancing Retrospective Meetings with ChatGPT
        • Analyzing Project Data with ChatGPT
        • Generating Reports with ChatGPT
        • Conclusion
      • Documentation and Closure Aided by ChatGPT
        • Documentation with ChatGPT
        • Project Closure Activities with ChatGPT
        • Conclusion
      • Example Prompts and Applications
        • Project Retrospectives
        • Documentation and Closure
        • Conclusion
    • Additional Resources and Considerations
      • Fine-Tuning ChatGPT for Domain-Specific Knowledge
        • Understanding the Need for Fine-Tuning
        • Steps in Fine-Tuning ChatGPT
        • Practical Examples
        • Sample Prompts for Fine-Tuned ChatGPT
        • Conclusion
    Part 6 - Conclusion & Next Steps
      • Looking Ahead: The Future of AI in Project Management
        • Predictive Analysis and Risk Management
        • AI in Decision Making
        • AI in Communication and Collaboration
        • The Future of Agile with AI
        • Conclusion
      • Community Resources and Further Reading
        • OpenAI Community
        • OpenAI Blog
        • ChatGPT Research Papers
        • Agile Project Management Resources
        • Books
        • Conclusion
    • Conclusion
      • The Road Ahead: A Synergy of AI and Agile Practices
        • The Emergence of AI in Agile
        • Enhancing Agile Practices with AI
        • The Future of AI and Agile
        • Preparing for the AI-Driven Agile Future
        • Conclusion
      • Parting Thoughts
        • The Synergy of AI and Agile
        • The Future of AI in Agile Project Management
        • Final Words
    Part 7 - Appendices
    • Appendix 1: Envision Phase Deep Dive
      • Practise: Product Visioning
        • Technique: The ‘Elevator Pitch’
        • Benefits of Using ChatGPT in the ‘Elevator Pitch’ Technique:
        • Limitations and Constraints:
        • Conclusion
        • Technique: Vision Board
        • Benefits and Potential Limitations
        • Conclusion
        • Technique: The ‘Vision Statement’
        • Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Vision Statement Technique
        • Potential Limitations and Constraints
        • Conclusion
      • Practise: Stakeholder Engagement
        • Technique: Stakeholder Mapping
        • Benefits and Limitations
        • Technique: Persona Development
        • Benefits and Limitations
        • Technique: Empathy Mapping
        • Benefits and Limitations
      • Practise: Team Chartering
        • Technique: ‘Working Agreements’
        • Technique: ‘Definition of Done (DoD)’
        • Technique: ‘Definition of Ready (DoR)’
        • Benefits and Potential Limitations
      • Practise: High-Level Roadmapping
        • Technique: ‘Story Mapping’
        • Benefits and Limitations
        • Technique: ‘Theme-based Roadmapping’
        • Benefits and Limitations
        • Technique: ‘Time-based Roadmap’
        • Benefits and Limitations
      • Practise: Initial Backlog Creation
        • Technique: ‘User Story Writing’
        • Benefits and Potential Limitations
        • Technique: ‘Epic Creation’
        • Benefits and Potential Limitations
    • Appendix 2: Speculate Phase Deep Dive
      • Practise: Feature Identification
        • Technique: Brainstorming Sessions
        • Benefits and Potential Limitations
      • Practise: Release Planning
        • Technique: Feature-based Planning
      • Benefits
      • Limitations and Constraints
        • Conclusion
    • Appendix 3: Explore Phase Deep Dive
    • Appendix 4: Adapt Phase Deep Dive
      • Practise: Inspect the Current Situation
        • Technique: Value Stream Mapping
        • Benefits
        • Limitations and Constraints
        • Conclusion
    • Appendix 5: Close Phase Deep Dive
    • Appendix 7: Prompt Engineering
      • Prompt Types Deep Dive
        • Role Prompting
        • Standard Prompts
        • Zero, One, and Few-Shot Prompting
        • Let’s Think About This Prompt
        • Self-Consistency Prompt
        • Seed-word Prompt
        • Knowledge Generation Prompt
        • Knowledge Integration Prompts
        • Multiple Choice Prompts
        • Interpretable Soft Prompts
        • Controlled Generation Prompts
        • Question-Answering Prompts
        • Summarisation Prompts and How to Use Them with ChatGPT
        • Dialogue Prompts
        • Adversarial Prompts
        • Clustering Prompts and ChatGPT
        • Reinforcement Learning Prompts
        • Curriculum Learning Prompts
        • Sentiment Analysis Prompts
        • Named Entity Recognition Prompts
        • Text Classification Prompts
        • Text Generation Prompts
        • Completion Prompts
        • Translation Prompts
        • Extrapolation Prompts
        • Analogy Prompts
        • Correction Prompts
        • Conjunction Prompts
        • Divergence Prompts
        • Ethical or Morality-based Prompts
        • Historical Context Prompts
        • Introduction to Prompt Engineering Techniques
        • Prompt Technique Examples
    • Appendix 8: Prompt Engineering NLP Frameworks
      • What are NLP Frameworks for Prompt Generation
        • Introduction to NLP Frameworks
        • Purpose of NLP Frameworks
        • Origin of the Concept
        • Usage in Various Fields
        • Conclusion
      • Comparison of NLP Frameworks for Designing Prompts in Agile Project Management
        • Five NLP Prompt Frameworks - A Summary:
        • Framework Strongpoints for Agile Project Management
        • Recommendation for Agile Project Management
      • Detailed Breakdown of Five NLP Frameworks for Prompt Design
        • CLEAR Framework for Designing Prompts in Agile Project Management
        • AGREE Framework for Designing Prompts in Agile Project Management
        • 3. Relevant
        • SAIL Framework for Designing Prompts in Agile Project Management
        • PAPA Framework for Designing Prompts in Agile Project Management
        • SABER Framework for Designing Prompts in Agile Project Management
    • More from Adam Russell
    • About the Author
      • Career Summary
      • A Career by Numbers
        • Introduction to a Fetish
        • The 10,000 Hours Thing
        • My Experience by Numbers: Summary
        • Experience Hours by Generic Role
    • Copyright

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