Web Development with Zend Framework 2
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Web Development with Zend Framework 2

Concepts, Techniques and Practical Solutions

About the Book

"Web Development with Zend Framework 2" is the first and only book about the brand new Zend Framework 2 - it's written for beginners as well as advanced users and it covers the fundamental concepts and brings tons of practical solutions for your daily business. "Web Development with Zend Framework 2" is the translation of the bestselling German book "Webentwicklung mit Zend Framework 2" with hundreds of downloads on Leanpub and Amazon.

Listen to what others say about the book:

"[..] a very good Zend Framework 2 book for beginners and advanced users [..] paves the way to Zend Framework 2. A Must-Have." (woy.ch)

"I just bought it and don't regret a single penny [..]. Yes, it's absolutely worth the money." (zfforum.de)

"Written in a very readable informal way, which makes makes reading fun. Personally, I favor this style of writing over the usual formal way of other development books." (blog.dirk-helbert.de)

Please note: Translation is work-in-progress and not all chapters of the original book are available in English yet. BUY NOW, START READING AND YOU WILL GET ALL UPDATES AND ADDITIONAL CHAPTERS FOR FREE and pushed automatically to your inbox once available.

This book is a translation into English of Webentwicklung mit Zend Framework 2 which was originally written in German.

About the Author

Michael Romer
Michael Romer

Hi there -

My name is Michael Romer. I manage agile software development projects and teams using Scrum and Kanban. I help web companies with their products and technology and I code web applications using PHP5 and Zend Framework 2. I used to work for eBay, daparto und erento and now I'm heading the "Digital Services" department of a huge German publishing house.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Important notice for Amazon customers
  • 2 Introduction
    • 2.1 Who is this book for?
    • 2.2 Structure of this book
    • 2.3 Repetitions
    • 2.4 Code Downloads
    • 2.5 How you can best work with this book
    • 2.6 Found a bug?
    • 2.7 Conventions used in this book
  • 3 Zend Framework 2 - An overview
    • 3.1 How Zend Framework 2 is being developed
    • 3.2 Module system
    • 3.3 Event system
    • 3.4 MVC implementation
    • 3.5 Additional components
    • 3.6 Design Patterns: Interface, Factory, Manager, etc.
  • 4 Hello, Zend Framework 2!
    • 4.1 Installation
    • 4.2 ZendSkeletonApplication
    • 4.3 Composer
    • 4.4 A first sign of life
    • 4.5 Directory structure of a Zend Framework 2 application
    • 4.6 The index.php file
  • 5 A first custom module
    • 5.1 Preparing the “Hello World” module
    • 5.2 Autoloading
  • 6 One time Request and back again
    • 6.1 ServiceManager
    • 6.2 Writing your own service
    • 6.3 ModuleManager
    • 6.4 Application
    • 6.5 ViewManager
    • 6.6 Summary
  • 7 EventManager
    • 7.1 Registering a listener
    • 7.2 Registering several listeners at the same time
    • 7.3 Removing a registered listener
    • 7.4 Trigger an event
    • 7.5 SharedEventManager
    • 7.6 Using events in one’s own classes
  • 8 Modules
    • 8.1 The “Application” module
    • 8.2 Module-dependent behaviour
    • 8.3 Installing a third-party module
    • 8.4 Configuring a third-party module
  • 9 Controller
    • 9.1 Concept & mode of operation
    • 9.2 Controller plugins
    • 9.3 Writing your own controller plugin
    • 10.1 Concept & mode of operation
    • 10.2 Layouts
    • 10.3 Writing your own View Helper
  • 11 Model
    • 11.1 Entities, repositories & value objects
    • 11.2 Business Services & Factories
    • 11.3 Business events
  • 12 Routing
    • 12.1 Introduction
    • 12.2 Definition of Routes
    • 12.3 Matching test
    • 12.4 Generation of a URL
    • 12.5 Default Routing
    • 12.6 Creative routing: A/B tests
  • 13 Dependency injection
    • 13.1 Introduction
    • 13.2 Zend\Di for object graphs
    • 13.3 Zend\Di for configuration management
  • 14 Persistence with Zend\Db
    • 14.1 Connecting to databases
    • 14.2 Generating and executing SQL-Statements
    • 14.3 Working with tables and entries
    • 14.4 Organisation of database queries
    • 14.5 Zend\DB alternative: Doctrine 2 ORM
  • 15 Validators
    • 15.1 Standard validators
    • 15.2 Writing your own validator
  • 16 Webforms
    • 16.1 Preparing a form
    • 16.2 Displaying a form
    • 16.3 Editing form entries
    • 16.4 Validating form entries
    • 16.5 Standard form elements
    • 16.6 Fieldsets
    • 16.7 Linking entities with Forms
  • 17 Logging & Debugging
    • 17.1 Introduction
    • 17.2 FirePHP for Firefox
    • 17.3 ChromePHP for Chrome
    • 17.4 Zend\Log
    • 17.5 Zend\Log with FirePHP
    • 17.6 Zend\Log with ChromePHP
    • 17.7 Using Zend\Log independent of the situation
    • 17.8 Additional Zend\Log options
  • 18 Unit Testing
    • 18.1 Introduction
    • 18.2 Testing a service
    • 18.3 Testing a controller
  • 19 User management
    • 19.1 Introduction
    • 19.2 User authentication
    • 19.3 User sessions
    • 19.4 Resources & roles
    • 19.5 Zfc user
  • 20 ZF2 on the command line
    • 20.1 Introduction
    • 20.2 Invocation via the Console
    • 20.3 Console routes and request processing
  • 21 Internationalization
    • 21.1 Numerical, monetary and date formats
    • 21.2 Text translations
    • 21.3 Determining and configuring the locale
  • 22 AJAX & Web services
    • 22.1 AJAX with JSON
    • 22.2 AJAX with HTML
    • 22.3 RESTful web services
  • 23 Sending emails
  • 24 Sending an email
    • 24.1 Sending a HTML email
    • 24.2 Using templates for HTML emails
    • 24.3 Sending emails with attachments
  • 25 Navigations & Breadcrumbs
    • 25.1 Generating navigations
    • 25.2 Generating an application navigation
    • 25.3 Generating breadcrumbs
  • 26 Speeding up applications by caching
    • 26.1 Introduction
    • 26.2 Opcode cache
    • 26.3 Zend\Cache
    • 26.4 Identifying performance bottlenecks
  • 27 Developers’ Dairy
    • 27.1 Introduction
    • 27.2 Envisioning
    • 27.3 Sprint 1 - Code Repository, Development Environment and the initial Codebase
    • 27.4 Sprint 2 - A custom module with add product functionality
    • 27.5 Sprint 3 - Add a deal, show available deals
    • 27.6 Sprint 4 - Order form
    • 27.7 Sprint 5 - Make ZfDeals available as a ZF2 module
    • 27.8 What’s next?

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