PHP Data Persistence with Doctrine 2 ORM - Important notice: Book moved to apress!


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PHP Data Persistence with Doctrine 2 ORM - Important notice: Book moved to apress!

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About the Book

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Doctrine 2 takes the pain out of dealing with relational databases in an object oriented programming world - and this book shows you how it works and how you can save time and money by simply coding less while accomplishing more with Doctrine 2.

Michael Romer is the author of "Web Development with Zend Framework 2", the best-selling Zend Framework 2 book on Leanpub and Amazon. He has years and years of experience in the Internet Industry and used to work for global players like eBay. He knows what you need to know about Doctrine 2 - and it's in this book!

About the Author

Michael Romer
Michael Romer

Hi! My name is Michael Romer. I manage agile software development projects and teams using Scrum and Kanban. I help web startups with their products and technology and I code web applications, mostly with PHP, Zend Framework and Doctrine. I used to work for eBay, daparto und erento and now I'm heading the "Digital Services" department of a German publishing house.

Table of Contents

  • 1 About this book
    • 1.1 Software version
    • 1.2 Database system
    • 1.3 Code downloads
    • 1.4 Conventions used in this book
    • 1.5 An important notice for Amazon customers
  • 2 Introduction
    • 2.1 Object oriented programming (OOP) & the Domain Model
    • 2.2 Demo application
  • 3 A self-made ORM
    • 3.1 Loading an Entity
    • 3.2 Saving an entity
    • 3.3 Associations
    • 3.4 Next steps
  • 4 Hello, Doctrine 2!
    • 4.1 Installation
    • 4.2 A first Entity
    • 4.3 A first Association
    • 4.4 Core concepts at a glance
  • 5 Defining entities
    • 5.1 Mapping formats
    • 5.2 Mapping objects to tables
    • 5.3 Mapping scalar member variables to fields
    • 5.4 Inheritance
  • 6 References between Entities
    • 6.1 One to one relationship, unidirectional
    • 6.2 One to one relationship, bidirectional
    • 6.3 One to many relationship, bidirectional
    • 6.4 Many to many relationship, unidirectional
    • 6.5 Many to many relationship, bidirectional
    • 6.6 One to many relationship, unidirectional
    • 6.7 Many to one relationship, unidirectional
    • 6.8 One to one relationship, self-referencing
    • 6.9 One to many relationship, self-referencing
    • 6.10 Many to many relationship, self-referencing
  • 7 Managing Entities
    • 7.1 Creating a new Entity
    • 7.2 Loading an existing Entity
    • 7.3 Changing an existing Entity
    • 7.4 Removing an Entity
    • 7.5 Sorting an association
    • 7.6 Removing an association
    • 7.7 Life Cycle events
    • 7.8 Cascading operations
    • 7.9 Transactions
  • 8 Doctrine Query Language
    • 8.1 Introduction
    • 8.2 Retrieving results
    • 8.3 Constructing basic queries
    • 8.4 Constructing join queries
  • 9 Command line tools
    • 9.1 Setting up the command line tools
    • 9.2 DBAL commands
    • 9.3 ORM commands
  • 10 Caching
    • 10.1 Introduction to ORM cache types
    • 10.2 Caching backends
  • 11 Advanced Topics
    • 11.1 Zend Framework 2 integration
    • 11.2 Native SQL statements
    • 11.3 Doctrine 2 Extensions

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