Words From A Java Developer
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Words From A Java Developer

About the Book

Right now I’m very fortunate to be on sabbatical from work for a year, travelling around the world (right now I’m in a teepee in Bolivia).  Like pretty much everyone who works, I was permanently exhausted. It took me about 3 months off work travelling and relaxing until my brain kicked in again and said “I’m bored now, I need a challenge”.

I was very fortuitous at that time to get an email from DZone.com who were searching for new Zone Leaders.  The task is simple; writing a few articles a week and syndicating (e.g. reading and resubmitting) blogs into the system.  This forced me to get my tech brain back on again, and even better it forced me to start blogging regularly which I’d always struggled with in the past.  It helps that DZone guarantees and audience!

This book is a collection of these posts from the start of my DZone career. They cover everything from Core Java and Agile to Book Reviews and Humour posts.  I think it makes an interesting read across a spectrum of different topics.  There’s no implicit order, so jump around the book to the chapters you find interesting.

About the Author

Sam Atkinson
Sam Atkinson

Sam Atkinson is a developer and blogger who has worked in the worlds top finance firms, living in the UK, Hong Kong and currently on a year long sabattical travelling the world. He is a Zone Leader for DZone.com and the leader of www.corejavainterviewquestions.com. He is an all round nerd, passionate about clean code, good design, strong UX and TDD.

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Table of Contents

  • Java
    • Upgrade Your Code Conventions
    • Constructor vs. Getter: A Better Way
    • Modern Java Web Dev: Using Dropwizard From the Start – Part 1
    • Using TDD and Progressive Enhancement to Build a Chat Application
    • Dropwizard From the Start — Part 2: Building a UI Using Mustache
    • Dropwizard Part 3: Measuring Your Application Metrics
    • Exceptions in Java: You’re (Probably) Doing It Wrong
    • Kill Your Dependencies: Java/Maven Edition
    • A Better Way To Log For Safer, Tested Code
    • Complex Test Objects Made Easy in Java
    • The Quick Way to a Java 8 Webserver Using Spark
    • Using Wiremock to Test Against 3rd Party Services Offline
  • Techy Stuff
    • Continuous Deployment With Heroku and Github
    • Your Application Probably Doesn’t Need a Database
    • Don’t Rewrite Your Old Application; Refactor!
    • Writing a Slack Plugin is One of the Easiest Things to Do… Sort of
    • Your Wordpress Site Is Slow: How To Fix It
  • Agile
    • Agile is a Band-Aid for a Lack of Trust
    • Software Qualifications are Pointless
    • Craft Your Team Culture Using a Team Manifesto
  • Book Reviews
    • Book Review: Docker for Developers
    • Hatching Twitter: A Book Review
    • Become a Better Programmer by Mastering Google
    • Stop Blaming Lazy Developers for Language Flaws
    • If Programming Languages Were ‘Parks and Rec’ Characters
    • Self-publishing a Technical Book for Beginners
    • ‘Stockfighter’: The Programming Game You Have Been Waiting For
    • How Startup Weekend Made Me a Better Developer
    • Live Programming Music With Tidal: A Quick Hands-on Intro
  • Startup Tech Stack
    • Startup Tech Stack: Smartcasual
    • From Inventing Google Docs to Fixing Monitoring: Startup Tech Stack Interviews Steve Newman of Scalyr

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