Srinivas Rao
My name is Srinivas Rao. In April 2009, I graduated from the MBA program at Pepperdine University. I always joked that I all I got for my education was pieces of paper that hang on the wall at my parents house, and a bill that shows up every month. So, I decided it was time for a different kind of education and started a blog called The Skool of Life where I write about the things you should have learned in school but never did. Eventually it took on a life of its own.
In February of 2010, as the result of a weekly interiew series that I ran on the Skool of Life, I became the host-co founder of a podcast called BlogcastFM on which I've conducted over 200 interviews with bloggers, authors, entrpreneurs and social media experts. Today the show gets almost 60,000 downloads a month, is 5-star rated in iTunes, and is sponsored by Livefyre. I know more about blogging than I ever cared to know about becase of this.
If you start a conversation with me, I should warn you that it won't be long before I want to talk about surfing (the ocean, not the internet). I have to clarify given the audience I'm dealing with. I'm obsessed with surfing and in 2011 I sold everything I owned and moved to Costa Rica for 6 months just so I could chase waves.
I'm working on a few different projects that will eventually appear here on Lean Pub. The first of those projects is a book based on The Skool of Life. Another one is Stoked for Life: Life Lessons from Surf Sessions.
I LOVE meeting new people and hearing what they're up to, so feel free to reach out to me anytime.