Jose Diaz-Gonzalez
My name is Jose Diaz-Gonzalez - known as @savant on Twitter and IRC, and josegonzalez on GitHub. I am a software developer and systems administrator based in New York City and have been working with open source in some capacity since 2007. I’m currently a Technical Director at a startup called Plotly, which helps folks easily build modern, interactive analytic apps.
I’ve been working with the CakePHP framework since 2008, and have spoken at CakeFest since 2011. I’m also a member of the CakePHP core team, where I maintain the plugins.cakephp.org website. If you’ve used open source CakePHP plugins, then it is quite likely I am either the arthor or have contributed to it in a meaningful way.
I’m also active in quite a few other open source communities, including:
- Former Maintainer of HomebrewPHP, a way to install PHP on Mac OS X systems
- Maintainer of Beaver, a lightweight method of shipping logs to the Logstash log management tool
- Contributor to Dokku, a mini-heroku system based on docker, and Diamond9, a python daemon that collects server metrics