Rapid Application Development
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Rapid Application Development

with CakePHP 2.0

About the Book

This book runs through the process of building a simple pastebin website with the CakePHP web application framework. It covers all the topics in your typical CakePHP tutorial, but takes extra care to point out useful information and techniques for speeding up your own application development.

What you will learn with this eBook
  • Developing within a Vagrant Virtual Machine

    Ever tire of setting up a local development server just to screw up the rest of your TCP/IP settings? Fret no more as we work within a virtualized server.

  • Managing Dependencies via Composer

    Installing CakePHP, Plugins, and external libraries need not be difficult. Learn how to use the excellent Composer tool to manage libraries your app uses.

  • Custom CakePHP Routes

    Customizing your URL structure is important. We go over creating custom route classes, enabling you to really harness the power of the CakePHP Router.

  • Using the Powerful Crud Plugin

    Tired of writing the same old CRUD code? Ever wanted to expand the way bake generated data internally? Use the Crud plugin to boost your baking skills.

  • User Authentication and Authorization

    Stop fighting the CakePHP AuthComponent. Learn a quick and easy way to add application authentication and protect your app using the simplest authorization code.

  • Deploying your application to Heroku

    Rather than attempt to figure out yet another production server, we deploy your application to the cloud using the excellent Heroku platform. For free. Boom.

  • Scaffold templates using Bake

    Save time with the bake CakePHP shell and generate your template files with minimal fuss.

  • The CakePHP Event system

    Confused on how CakePHP uses events internally? Want to start using them in your everyday code? This book introduces multiple ways to use events. All in simple to understand examples.

About the Author

Jose Diaz-Gonzalez
Jose Diaz-Gonzalez

I wrote this book after being frustrated with the options for new CakePHP developers. This book is therefore a distillation of my own development practices, mixed with those of other CakePHP Core Developers and the community at large. I focused on getting past the tough issues quickly while utilizing knowledge of the internals to teach you how to create a bakers delight.

Whether you are a CakePHP beginner, or have been using CakePHP for years, this book is designed to ensure you learn exactly what you need to do to craft a high performance application that is also a treat to work with. I hope you enjoy it.

Jose Diaz-Gonzalez, CakePHP Core Developer

Table of Contents

  • Acknowledgements
  • Errata and Feedback
  • Preface
    • whoami
    • Is this book for me?
    • I’m ready to learn! What now?
  • The Setup
    • Installing the virtual development environment
    • Required accounts
  • Prepping our Application
    • Dependency Management
    • Keeping track of changes via GIT
    • Local install of our application
    • Summary
  • Adding automated testing
    • Automated testing
    • Setting up a Test Case
    • Writing your first Test Case
    • Automated testing
    • Summary
  • Deploying to Heroku
    • Heroku setup
    • Adding necessary heroku dependencies
    • Configuring our PHP buildpack
    • View it live
    • Summary
  • Implementing a Paste
    • Schema and Migrations
    • Crud
    • Pushing to production
    • Summary
  • Custom Application Actions
    • Routing Requests
    • Controllers
    • Sending custom data to the view
    • Using custom templates
    • CakePHP templates
    • Customizing the look of your application
    • Summary
  • Public and Private Pastes
    • Handling private pastes
    • Privacy security
    • Summary
  • Debugging Data via DebugKit
    • DebugKit features
    • Creating a DebugKit panel
    • Adding new timing calls using DebugTimer
    • Summary
  • User Authentication
    • User Authentication
    • Authorizing Paste Access
    • Deploying the code
    • Summary
  • User profiles
    • Adding Profile pages
    • Managing user accounts
    • Summary
  • Adding Roles to Users
    • Adding the relevant database column
    • Using constants to refer to roles
    • Overriding roles via a shell
    • Deploying the code
    • Summary
  • Developing a Simple Access Control System
    • Annotations in PHP
    • Speccing out our plugin
    • Test-Driven Plugin Development
    • Implementing our plugin
    • Deploying the code
    • Summary
  • Conclusion

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