Mushtaq Noor
Family 1st! But after that, Engineer, Painter, Author.
Born in 1945. Profession Engineering. Craze Arts from childhood. Greater portion of life wasted running after, and in seek of, the apparent, forgetting inner. When eye was opened it was Sunset time, then by chance, much later and under constraints happened to study the books on philosophy of Khudi by Iqbal first then books concerning Tasawwaf like Guftagu by Wasif Ali Wasif, Bohja-tul-Asrar, Kashaf-ul-Mahjoob and series on Auliya Ikram by Siyarah Digest etc. for killing time and later for consultation purposes some others like Gabriel’s Wing by Annemarie Schimel.
For two three years in the year 2000 tried skills in Art on Philosophy of Khudi of Iqbal as perceived from reading Iqbal, as said. And then writing endeavor began from 2011 as our Sheikh had advised to explain what was conceived from reading Iqbal.