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Rob McKee
Robert Guy McKee (Rob) was born September 21, 1952 at Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD. He grew up in upstate New York and Framingham, MA, graduating from Rush-Henrietta High School (south of Rochester, NY) in 1970. His bachelor’s degree (1975), in Social Relations, is from Harvard; his master’s (1985) and doctorate (1995), both in Anthropology, are from the University of Rochester.
Rob married Carol Elaine Chiapperino on January 3, 1976. They became members of Wycliffe Bible Translators later that year and served nineteen years in Africa with Wycliffe’s partner organization, SIL International. From 2010 to the present, Rob has taught cultural anthropology at Dallas International University (formerly the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics) in southwest Dallas.
Besides lynchings in Kenya, Rob's professional interests include Mangbetu linguistics and anthropology, Christian anthropology, tale analysis, subtitles in ethnographic film, and more. He has published several Mangbetu linguistics papers (e.g., "Concerning Meegye and Mangbetu's Bilabial Trills"); his anthropology dissertation was on Meegye-Mangbetu death compensations as intergroup rites of passage; his first Leanpub book, published in 2021, is entitled Destination: Christian Anthropology.
Rob and his wife reside in Duncanville, TX, just outside Dallas. They have four adult daughters and seven grandchildren.