Philippe Mouawad
Philippe Mouawad is a technical expert and architect in J2E and Web environments within the company Ubik-Ingenierie.
He has been using JMeter since 2009 as part of performance improvements missions, load testing of intranet or e-commerce websites and trainings on JMeter.
He has been contributing to JMeter since 2009 first through patches and then as a 'committer' and member of Project Management Committee at Apache.
Among his main contributions, the CSS selector Extractor, the Boundary Extractor, the Backend Listener (allowing to interface among others Graphite, InfluxDB or ElasticSearch),
part of the Web reporting feature and the optimization of the performances of the core, its stabilization and various ergonomic improvements, to his credit more than 400 bugs/improvements.
He also contributes to the JMeter-Plugins project, among his contributions are Redis DataSet, Graphs Generator Listener and various patches to different plugins.
He also manages the JMeter Maven Plugin project, he has been managing it since version 2.3.0 ensuring its compatibility with last JMeter releases and improving its
dependencies management and reporting mechanism.
He is currently a committer and a PMC member of the JMeter project within the Apache Software Foundation.
His Apache ID is pmouawad.
He is also a lead developer of the Ubik Load Pack solution, a set of Enterprise Plugins which provides support for protocols that are not natively supported by JMeter.
Finally, he contributes to the Ubik-Ingenierie blog.