Lina Ru
Lina has been writing since she had 15 years old, her website has recently attracted more and more attention. Her poetics is becoming more relevant each day due to her ability to find a balance between the concrete and the abstract. Whereas contemporary poetry focuses mostly in the concrete due to the postmodern era, Lina is not afraid of playing with abstractions and borrowing concepts from the romantics and modernists. However, Lina does not return to the modernists or romantics. She distrusts grand narratives and has a love for the particular. Her macro photography is an example of that love. That said, a particular ontology can strive toward wholeness and beauty without falling into the trap of grand narratives through intersubjectivty. Her poetry uses intersubjectivity as an interzone between the particular and the universal through empathy.
Furthermore if you wish to enter Lina’s poetry, then you will discover contradictions, obscure metaphors, and even paradoxes, but you will also find a sincere and simple voice that just wishes to connect with you on an intersubjective level. For her, the process is more important than the final result so join her poetic journey at http://linaru.com or follow her @linaru to speak directly with her.