Kyriakos Chatzidimitriou
Dr. Kyriakos Chatzidimitriou has obtained both his doctorate and engineering diplomas from the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece, in 2012 and 2003 respectively. He has also a Master of Science degree from the Computer Science department of Colorado State University (CSU), USA, completed in 2006. In 2009, he received the excellence award as a PhD candidate by the Research Committee of AUTH, while in 2012, with team Mertacor, he got the 1st place in the international Trading Agent Competition (TAC) Ad Auctions (AA) game. He has worked as a researcher and technical leader for European (Mobile-Age, SEAF, S-CASE, CASSANDRA, Agent Academy), national (eTHMMY) and private sector funded R&D projects and as a software engineer in the industry. He is currently a research and teaching associate at ECE, AUTH working as a technical lead and software architect in R&D projects. He is also an adjunct instructor in the "Advanced Computer and Communication Systems" postgraduate programme, giving lectures about Software Engineering, Databases and Data Mining. In 2017, along with Dr. Andreas Symeonidis they founded Cyclopt, a spin-off company of AUTH, focused on software quality assessment and software analytics.