Melvyn Pullen
I work as a Scrum Master, helping teams be the best they can be.
For many years I've been interested in how organisations work and more recently in business transformation.
These interests come about because many organisations either seem dysfunctional or fail to transform.
I've observed some of these failure myself and people have talked to me about their failures. I've also been responsible for some failures, particularly in startups that I've been involved in.
I've followed the trail of business organisation and change for a long time and I know I have collected the insights from many great thinkers about change.
Agile and Scrum only took me so far; it was originally for software and only recently is widening its remit to whole organisation.
I recently made available my first business book here on Leanpub called Fractal Future User's Guide (FFUG). It's about the power of teams in company reorganisation.
When I wrote FFUG, the other only book about fractal business organisation was called "Die Fraktale Fabrik". It was in German and never translated as far I knew.
I did publish FFUG but sales were terrible. I still have the only royalty cheque - $75.
I then followed Scrum as I considered it provided a path that appeared to be followed by many people. Although mostly used for software development, I experimented using it for training and created a training manual for the course. I will put this up on leanpub even though I originally wrote it for internal use.
Just as FFUG is about the power of teams. The training manual (still with no name) is relevant because it teaches how people with no skills can learn about software development by working in teams.
What has brought all of this to the fore is that I was convinced to write yet another book about business change and the power of teams.
It was only after I showed drafts to people who responded positively that I realised two things. First, I had collected all those insights about change.
Second, I had been writing about it quite a while yet never let people read any of it. I'm going to change that.
There it is. I know I have a contribution to make about rapid and flexible business transformation. During my extensive search of existing business transformation books I haven't found any that talk about my insights. Almost like they are forgotten.
I'm hoping I can make you aware of the simple and powerful way to change existing organisation and create new organisations.