Christine Neidhardt
Christine works for establishing new work environments where people are proud to work, can bring their whole person and talents in and respect and empathy allows people to show up. She is a Coach from all her heart and believes in people and their inner wish to be an important part of something bigger. In 2015 she founded the Trusttemenos Leadership Academy in Europe with Olaf Lewitz in the true goal, to help leaders thrive which are able to offer spaces where people can show up fully. For this reason the Leadership Academy is not only for the participants, she and Olaf are at the same time fully participating and modelling, being transparent about her successes, flaws, strength and weakness. Her systemic and integral background as a Coach and leader of constellations helps people to find the true barriers and patterns, blocking them to develop their personality and being able to break them or dissolve them step by step. She works as internal or external consultant for mid-size companies focusing on finding the heart of the culture, hacking the culture and helping to use the energies of conflicts to transform the culture. Self-management, Self-organization, innovation, collaboration, communication and teamwork are the heart of new work environments which she supports with her work. She got to know Temenos in the year 2013 and let since then around 60 events in Europe together with Olaf Lewitz from short conference sessions to 3day labs. Temenos became the heart of her work, combined with her systemic knowledge, her tools and her creative abilities. Creating a network of inspiring people around the world to support wholehearted workplaces this is part of her vision.