The Jumpstart Up

The Jumpstart Up

A Practical Handbook For Leading Agile & DevOps Transformation

About the Book

  • If you are leading a digital transformation in your orgaisation and you want to broaden your view with rich perspectives about DevOps 2.0 and other proven methodologies
  • If you start developing your startup products and you want to set up an efficient development and operations process to handle your future growth
  • If you would like to acquire a common general knowledge about development and operations productivity gains
  • If you are a non-technical founder and you still want to understand what are the effecient techniques, architectures and tool that can help your IT development
  • If you would like to know about this DevOps thing

This book will help you. 

This book is published at a slow pace, I'll be more focusing on the quality than the quantity, that's why the price is actually low at the moment.

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    • Agile
    • Leadership
    • Lean
    • Startups
    • Computers and Programming
    • DevOps
    • AWS
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About the Author

Aymen El Amri
Aymen El Amri / eon01

Aymen El Amri is a software engineer specializing in DevOps, Cloud Computing and software/infrastructure performance and scalability.

He is a Techpreneuriat enthousiast and he created his first startup at the age of 24

Actually Aymen is working as the head of IT systems and DevOps in a Parisian startup. He worked on development and system engineering for companies and startups and he is interested in DevOps philosophy, the lean programming and the tools/methodologies that comes with since his experiences in this domains were successful..

He co-founded some projects in connection with the community of Free and Open Source Software, an infrastructure provider startup and he was involved in hackerspaces and other political/social movements in relation with technologies.

You can find him on Twitter, Linkedin, his blog and github.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Assumptions
    • To Whom This Book Is Addressed
    • Conventions used in this book
    • How to Properly Read And Benefit From This Book
    • How To Contribute
    • About The Author
  • The Need For The Digital Transformation
    • Once Upon A Time ..
    • From CTO to CTO
  • A Practical Introduction To DevOps
    • What Is DevOps
      • DevOps Values
      • DevOps Principles
      • DevOps Methods
      • DevOps Practices
      • DevOps Tools
    • The 15-point DevOps Check List
      • A Cross-Functional Team
      • Communication Culture & Global Thinking
      • Customer-Oriented Culture
      • Source Control & Revisions
      • Infrastructure As Code
      • Routine Automation
      • Self-Service Configuration
      • Automated Builds
      • Continuous Integration
      • Continuous Delivery
      • Incremental Testing & Test-Driven Development
      • Automated release management
      • Shorter Development Cycles & Time-To-Market
      • Key Performance Indicators
      • The DevOps Feedback Loop
        • Systems Thinking
        • Amplifying Feedback Loops
        • Culture Of Continual Experimentation And Learning
  • Setting Up A DevOps Culture
    • Adopting DevOps - The Struggle
    • A DevOps Team Or A Team Of DevOps ?
  • Agility : Responding To Unpredictability Through Sprints
    • What Is Agility
    • Scrum
    • Kanban
      • Kanban for operations
      • Scrum-ban
    • XP
      • Test Driven Development
    • Using A Hybrid Methodology: Scrum And XP
  • ITIL : Adapt It To Your Transformation
    • What Is ITIL
    • ITIL v3
    • Implemeting ITIL With DevOps
  • Lean : Applying Lean To Software Development
    • Principles Of Lean
    • Lean Software Developement
    • Value Stream Mapping
  • Research And Developement
    • Choosing You Stack
      • Programming Languages
      • Databases
    • Component-Based Software Engineering
    • Ops Ready Products
    • Scaling A Team
    • Development Best Practices
    • Building Saas (Software As A Service) Applications As An Example
      • The Twelve-Factor App
  • Continuous Integration
    • What Is Continuous Integration
    • Goals Of Continuous Integration
    • Agile Software Facotry
    • Version Control
    • Release Automation
  • Painless Software Quality — Code Defensively, Fail Early & Test Continuously
    • What Is Quality Assurance
    • Abstraction & Automation
    • Code Defensively, Fail Early & Test Continuously
      • Defensive Programming
      • Fail Fast
      • Test Continuously
      • Kiss, Dry & Yagni
        • KISS “Keep It Simple, Stupid!”
        • DRY “Don’t Repeat Yourself”
        • YAGNI “You Aren’t Gonna Need It”
      • Don’t Move Forward Before Fixing Your Bugs
      • You Have One Chance
      • Design To Secure, Code To Fail & Test To Learn
      • You Will Fail Anyway So Fail Gracefully
    • Software Testing Types
      • Functional Testing
      • Agile Testing
      • Performance Testing
      • Smoke Testing
      • Other Types Of Software Testing
    • Quality Assurance Best Practices
  • Cloud Computing : The Infrastructure Of The Transformation
    • PaaS, SaaS, IaaS
      • On Premise Vs Cloud: How To Choose
    • Major Cloud Providers
      • Google Cloud
      • Amazon Web Services
      • Microsoft Azure
      • Gigital Ocean
      • Heroku
      • Which Cloud Provider Is Right For You
    • Containerization
      • How Is Containerization Different From Virtualization?
      • Docker
      • Docker Ecosystem
    • Provisioning Infrasructure
  • Micro Service Architecture
    • Presentation
    • Advantages
    • Criticism
    • Micro Services At Netflix As An Example
  • Chapter XI - Performance
    • Web Performance Problems
    • Web Performance Best Practices
    • Performance-based DevOps

Causes Supported

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Defending your civil liberties in a digital world.

Based in San Francisco, EFF is a donor-supported membership organization working to protect fundamental rights regardless of technology.

From the Internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defense. EFF broke new ground when it was founded in 1990—well before the Internet was on most people's radar—and continues to confront cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today. From the beginning, EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights.

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