SurviveJS - React
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SurviveJS - React

From apprentice to master

About the Book

Facebook's React powers an increasing amount of sites. There is a good reason for this. It simplifies frontend development greatly.

SurviveJS - React shows you how to build a simple Kanban application based on these technologies. During the process you will learn to:

  • Learn to understand the ideas behind React.
  • Learn to design component hierarchies as you work on the application.
  • Get into the React mindset while learning to think and manage state carefully.
  • Style your React application in various emerging ways.
  • Implement drag and drop for your application using React DnD.

In addition the Leanpub edition contains exclusive chapters showing you how to:

  • Deal with typing in React.
  • Test your React application in various ways.

The book assumes you know basics of JavaScript and understand how to use npm.

Most of the book content is available online at By buying this book you support the development of further content.

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    • React
    • Software Engineering
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About the Author

Juho Vepsäläinen
Juho Vepsäläinen

I, Juho Vepsäläinen, have been dealing with the web one way or another since the 90s. All hail marquee! I've seen the rise of web and JavaScript in particular. Besides React I have extensive experience in Angular, jQuery and various smaller libraries (mapping, charts, whatnot).


The Book

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About the Contributors

Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez
Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez

Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez is a frontend developer who dedicates his time to moderate the official Angular.js IRC channel and he also gives support there.

He spent some time collaborating with organization like AngularUI and he also write in his blog ( all about angular.

He also likes to edit / review books, that also includes writing his own books.

Reader Testimonials

Steve Piercy
Steve Piercy

SurviveJS connects the dots

SurviveJS connects the dots and fills the gaps left by the latest JavaScript tools and their documentation. With its detailed step-by-step tutorial approach, SurviveJS gives practical examples of code and configuration while providing context for choosing one method over another.

Nick Ostrovsky
Nick Ostrovsky

Headstart to Webpack and React

This is the most useful book I’ve read this year. Apart from React itself it gives you a headstart into Webpack which is gaining traction as the weapon of choice for deploying Javascript apps and Flux architecture pattern. Well-written, full of annotated code, what’s not to like? Yes, I would recommend it to a friend.

Omar van Galen
Omar van Galen

Antidote for JavaScript Fatigue

Setting up a cutting-edge frontend development environment with React takes time. What sets SurviveJS apart is that it does not only show you exactly how to do it, it evolves, preventing JS fatigue, hence the name.

Phil Ledgerwood
Phil Ledgerwood

Helping to get projects up and running

I originally got this book to learn React, but I found quickly that the instruction on Webpack alone was worth the price of admission. I have followed this book's iteration from very early on, and it gets better every time. It is very useful, and to this day I keep going back to it as a good way to get new projects up and running.

Table of Contents

    • Introduction
      • What is React?
      • What Will You Learn?
      • How is This Book Organized?
      • What is Kanban?
      • Who is This Book for?
      • How to Approach the Book?
      • Book Versioning
      • Extra Material
      • Getting Support
      • Announcements
      • Acknowledgments
  • I Getting Started
    • 1. Introduction to React
      • 1.1 What is React?
      • 1.2 Virtual DOM
      • 1.3 React Renderers
      • 1.4 React.createElement and JSX
      • 1.5 Conclusion
    • 2. Setting Up the Project
      • 2.1 Setting Up Node.js and Git
      • 2.2 Running the Project
      • 2.3 Boilerplate npm scripts
      • 2.4 Boilerplate Language Features
      • 2.5 Conclusion
    • 3. Implementing a Note Application
      • 3.1 Initial Data Model
      • 3.2 Rendering Initial Data
      • 3.3 Generating the Ids
      • 3.4 Adding New Notes to the List
      • 3.5 Conclusion
    • 4. Deleting Notes
      • 4.1 Separating Note
      • 4.2 Adding a Stub for onDelete Callback
      • 4.3 Communicating Deletion to App
      • 4.4 Conclusion
    • 5. Understanding React Components
      • 5.1 Lifecycle Methods
      • 5.2 Refs
      • 5.3 Custom Properties and Methods
      • 5.4 React Component Conventions
      • 5.5 Conclusion
    • 6. Editing Notes
      • 6.1 Implementing Editable
      • 6.2 Extracting Rendering from Note
      • 6.3 Adding Editable Stub
      • 6.4 Connecting Editable with Notes
      • 6.5 Tracking Note editing State
      • 6.6 Implementing Edit
      • 6.7 On Namespacing Components
      • 6.8 Conclusion
    • 7. Styling the Notes Application
      • 7.1 Styling “Add Note” Button
      • 7.2 Styling Notes
      • 7.3 Styling Individual Notes
      • 7.4 Conclusion
  • II Implementing Kanban
    • 8. React and Flux
      • 8.1 Quick Introduction to Redux
      • 8.2 Quick Introduction to MobX
      • 8.3 Which Data Management Solution to Use?
      • 8.4 Introduction to Flux
      • 8.5 Porting to Alt
      • 8.6 Understanding connect
      • 8.7 Dispatching in Alt
      • 8.8 Conclusion
    • 9. Implementing NoteStore and NoteActions
      • 9.1 Setting Up a NoteStore
      • 9.2 Understanding Actions
      • 9.3 Setting Up NoteActions
      • 9.4 Connecting NoteActions with NoteStore
      • 9.5 Porting App.addNote to Flux
      • 9.6 Porting App.deleteNote to Flux
      • 9.7 Porting App.activateNoteEdit to Flux
      • 9.8 Porting App.editNote to Flux
      • 9.9 Conclusion
    • 10. Implementing Persistency over localStorage
      • 10.1 Understanding localStorage
      • 10.2 Implementing a Wrapper for localStorage
      • 10.3 Persisting the Application Using FinalStore
      • 10.4 Implementing the Persistency Logic
      • 10.5 Connecting Persistency Logic with the Application
      • 10.6 Cleaning Up NoteStore
      • 10.7 Alternative Implementations
      • 10.8 Relay?
      • 10.9 Conclusion
    • 11. Handling Data Dependencies
      • 11.1 Defining Lanes
      • 11.2 Connecting Lanes with App
      • 11.3 Modeling Lane
      • 11.4 Making Lanes Responsible of Notes
      • 11.5 Extracting LaneHeader from Lane
      • 11.6 Conclusion
    • 12. Editing Lanes
      • 12.1 Implementing Editing for Lane names
      • 12.2 Implementing Lane Deletion
      • 12.3 Styling Kanban Board
      • 12.4 Conclusion
    • 13. Implementing Drag and Drop
      • 13.1 Setting Up React DnD
      • 13.2 Allowing Notes to Be Dragged
      • 13.3 Allowing Notes to Detect Hovered Notes
      • 13.4 Developing onMove API for Notes
      • 13.5 Adding Action and Store Method for Moving
      • 13.6 Implementing Note Drag and Drop Logic
      • 13.7 Dragging Notes to Empty Lanes
      • 13.8 Conclusion
  • III Advanced Techniques
    • 14. Testing React
      • 14.1 Levels of Testing
      • 14.2 Writing Your First Test
      • 14.3 Understanding the Test Setup
      • 14.4 Testing Kanban Components
      • 14.5 Testing Editable
      • 14.6 Testing Note
      • 14.7 Testing Kanban Stores
      • 14.8 Conclusion
    • 15. Typing with React
      • 15.1 propTypes and defaultProps
      • 15.2 Typing Kanban
      • 15.3 Type Checking with Flow
      • 15.4 Converting propTypes to Flow Checks
      • 15.5 Babel Typecheck
      • 15.6 TypeScript
      • 15.7 Conclusion
    • 16. Styling React
      • 16.1 Old School Styling
      • 16.2 CSS Methodologies
      • 16.3 CSS Processors
      • 16.4 React Based Approaches
      • 16.5 CSS Modules
      • 16.6 Conclusion
    • 17. Structuring React Projects
      • 17.1 Directory per Concept
      • 17.2 Directory per Component
      • 17.3 Directory per View
      • 17.4 Conclusion
  • Appendices
    • Language Features
      • Modules
      • Classes
      • Class Properties and Property Initializers
      • Functions
      • String Interpolation
      • Destructuring
      • Object Initializers
      • const, let, var
      • Decorators
      • Conclusion
    • Understanding Decorators
      • Implementing a Logging Decorator
      • Implementing @connect
      • Decorator Ideas
      • Conclusion
    • Troubleshooting
      • Warning: setState(…): Cannot update during an existing state transition
      • Warning: React attempted to reuse markup in a container but the checksum was invalid
      • Module parse failed
      • Project Fails to Compile

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