Build SPA with React and Wagtail (3.0.0)
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Build SPA with React and Wagtail (3.0.0)

About the Book

This book will teach you how to build a SPA (single-page application) using React and Wagtail CMS

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Understand Docker and use Docker Compose to do development
  2. Create blog models to work with Wagtail.
  3. Learn how to write serializer for Django models.
  4. Build a REST API for Wagtail CMS
  5. Use the factory package to help create test data
  6. Test the REST API and generate test coverage report
  7. Build a React app from create-react-app
  8. Learn React Function Component, and React hooks.
  9. Use Tailwind CSS to build clean and responsive UI.
  10. Understand React router
  11. Make React app work with Wagtail preview
  12. Build comment system based on django-contrib-comments which support Generic Relations
  13. Use Tribute.js to add Mention and Emoji support to the comment form.
  14. Learn to use React Query to build lazy load comment list.
  15. Test React component using Jest and @testing-library family of packages.
  16. Deploy the production app to DigitalOcean


  • Python 3.10
  • Django 4.1
  • Wagtail 4.1
  • Tailwind 3
  • React Function Component, React Hooks
  • React Router
  • React Query
  • Tribute.js
  • Jest

This book includes:

  1. A PDF ebook which contains about 30 chapters.
  2. 30+ screenshots and diagrams, all created by me.
  3. The source code of the project created in this course.



Released 2022-12-22

  1. Upgrade Tailwind 3
  2. Use React Query to replace SWR
  3. Upgrade Django 4, Wagtail 4, update the screenshots.


Released 2021-09-22

  1. Use Tailwind CSS to replace the Bootstrap, add dark mode support
  2. Add comment support
  3. Rewrite with React functional component
  4. Upgrade to Django 3.2 and Wagtail 2.14


  • 2020-12-05: First release

About the Author


Michael Yin is a full stack developer from China, and he loves to write high-quality tutorial about programming.

He has published 5 books on Leanpub.

He also published Celery courses on

He is also the founder of a Digital Agency AccordBox and available for remote job.

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Table of Contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Setup Wagtail Project
  • 3. Dockerizing Wagtail App
  • 4. Add Blog Models to Wagtail
  • 5. StreamField
  • 6. Build REST API (Part 1)
  • 7. Build REST API (Part 2)
  • 8. Routable Page
  • 9. Pagination
  • 10. Full Text Search
  • 11. UnitTest (Part 1)
  • 12. UnitTest (Part 2)
  • 13. Setup React project
  • 14. Add Tailwind CSS to CRA
  • 15. Building React Component (SideBar)
  • 16. Building React Component (StreamField)
  • 17. Tailwind Typography
  • 18. Building React Component (PostPage)
  • 19. Building React Component (BlogPage)
  • 20. Building React Component (BlogPage Pagination)
  • 21. React Router
  • 22. Lazy Component
  • 23. Dark Mode
  • 24. Tailwind Typography Dark Mode
  • 25. Search Page
  • 26. Add Preview Support
  • 27. Import Comment Model
  • 28. Manage comment in Wagtail
  • 29. CommentForm
  • 30. Add Mention Support to Comment Form
  • 31. Add Emoji support to Django form with Tribute.js
  • 32. Build CommentList with SWR
  • 33. Unittest React Component (Part 1)
  • 34. Unittest React Component (Part 2)
  • 35. Unittest React Component (Part 3)
  • 36. Deploy REST API
  • 37. Deploy React app
  • 38. Next Steps
  • 39. REST API FAQ

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