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Mastering the Mundane

About the Book

Time: Mastering the Mundane is a pragmatic approach to applying ideas and patterns on getting stuff done, achieving flow, and getting it all out of your head.

From the Introduction

The opening of nonfiction self-help books typically describe one or more problem areas, followed by reasons the author is an expert in (and is helping folks with) those problem areas. The problem definition and short biography are followed by a promise to give you the tools, techniques, and hacks to solve the problems.

That’s what Part One is about.

If you want to skip it, you won’t hurt my feelings.


Who this book is definitely for: You’re struggling with time, setting boundaries, and enjoying your life. Your house is on fire (hopefully not literally), and you don’t think you have time to develop mission statements, explore your values, and find purpose in life. If long-term strategic planning ever existed, it went out the window some time ago, and you’re just looking to make it through today. Today is all you have left in the tank. You don’t have time for, nor possibly interest in, what some refer to as “woo-woo hippy bullshit.”

Who this book might also be for: You’ve read a lot of self-help and self-management books. You understand that the message, generically speaking, is the same. Maybe they haven’t stuck. Maybe you’re looking for a different messenger. Maybe you’re in a rut with what you currently have and want to try something different.

Who this book is not for: You have hit bottom (literally) and can’t see (or aren’t willing to try) alternatives to your current situation or ways of working, and you feel helpless to change them. 

I’ve been there. 

In that situation, I recommend finding a friend who has offered or is willing to show up for you (and let them do so), a coach, a therapist, or a combination. Low- and no-cost options for all of those should be available to you. Or, if you have moments and maybe days where you’re more optimistic, try doing the stuff in this book and setting it aside if you slide back down. 

I see you. I feel you. And I wish the best for you.

Book structure

Not including this part, the book is designed to expose you to the most valuable and broad topics and tactics first before optimizing at the edges. Therefore, as you progress through the material, you may experience a sense of diminishing returns; however, it won’t be due to the repetition of content.

Most Parts of this book will end with a Chapter on why we did some of the things we did in that Part. So, skip to that Chapter if you can’t handle the suspense.

As such, you should be able to make progress, set the book aside, and return later to make more progress and optimize further.

Who are you? 

That’s a question directed at me, the author. It’s a question a mythical reader asks, not a question the book asks of you. 

I’m a productivity super-freak and have been as far back as I can remember. Don’t worry. This isn’t about hustle culture. I won’t spend the following few Chapters hyping you up and telling you to go all out. Or that you’re wasting time sitting on the couch when you could be out there getting more stuff done.

None of that “Rest when you’re dead” shit.

Publishing and Distribution Approach

The content will be available through channels and distributors that align with the 8fold culture, some of which may remain free. As such:

  • eBook via Leanpub.
  • eBooks and audiobooks distributed via Scribl’s CrowdPricing feature to other stores, including Amazon, Apple Books, and so on.
  • Podcast: The full audiobook will be released as free podcast episodes using Scribl’s podcast distribution feature.
  • Paperback will be available through Barnes & Noble using their print-on-demand publishing service.
  • Limited edition hardcover for higher-tier supporters; provider to be determined.
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    • Leadership
    • Executive Coaching
    • Leadership
    • Life Coaching
    • Non-Fiction
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About the Author

Josh Bruce
Josh Bruce

I'm a wanderer and a collector of stories who feels like an alien dropped on a ship with limited time to interact and explore.

I love to learn. I love to experience. I love to share.

Working as a life and Agile Coach. Academically focused in the fine arts. Personally trained in software engineering. And fascinated by the human condition of being an alien on a ship set adrift in a sea of stars surrounded by 7+ billion other aliens here, for what seems like, the first time; all that to say, I have an affinity for the humanities (mainly psychology, sociology, and philosophy).

Table of Contents

  1. Part one: Maybe skip this part
  2. Part two: The Crucible
  3. Part three: The Forge
  4. Part four: Good stuff happens
  5. Part five: Recurring actions
  6. Part six: The Rotation (Relationships)
  7. Part seven: Delegation
  8. Part eight: Automation
  9. Part nine: Collaboration
  10. Part ten: Linking and Sequencing (Relationships)
  11. Part eleven: Crucible and Forge Maintenance (Refinement)
  12. Part twelve: Crucible and Forge Optimization
  13. Part thirteen: Alternative Views
  14. Part fourteen: Time Journals
  15. Part fifteen: Wait, but why?

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