Learn C# in 30 minutes
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Learn C# in 30 minutes

Concise, practical, and easily consumable quick reference.

About the Book

Concise, practical, and easily consumable quick reference.

About the Authors

Prateek Singh
Prateek Singh

Prateek Singh is an Infrastructure Developer, an avid PowerShell blogger, and a community contributor. In 2017 and 2018, FeedSpot and SQLHack recognized his blog RidiCurious.com as among the “Top 50 PowerShell blogs in the world.” Find his open-sourced at GitHub, and reach out to him on Twitter at @singhprateik.

Prateek has written more than 250 articles on his blog and several other websites such as 4SysOps.com, IPSwitch.com, and TechTarget.com and also runs a YouTube channel. He is a published author of 3 books and contributing author of 2 Book and currently writing the 6th one, following is the complete list:

Deepak Singh Dhami
Deepak Singh Dhami

Deepak works as a systems engineer touching cloud platforms, build/release & automation. Awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award (year 2014-17) for his contributions in the Cloud & Data-center Management.

Recently, he has started going back to his development roots and picking up C#, Go for Infrastructure development needs.

Blog - https://dexterposh.github.io/

GitHub - https://github.com/DexterPOSH

Reach out to him on Twitter @DexterPOSH

Table of Contents

  • Learn C# basics in 30 minutes
    • C# Language
      • Key Characteristics
      • A Brief History of CSharp
    • Compilers, Runtime and .NET Framework
    • Program Structure and Organization
      • Program, Assemblies and Hello World
      • Namespaces
      • Class
      • Members
    • C# Programming Elements
      • Comments
      • Case Sensitivity
      • Using Directive and Statement
      • Types and Variables
        • Values Types
        • Reference Types
        • Variables
      • Operators, Operands and Expressions
        • Operators
      • Basic Input and Output
      • Conditional statements
        • If and If..Else statement
        • Switch statement
      • Loops and Iterations
      • Exceptions Try..Catch..Finally
      • Classes and objects
      • Arrays
      • Loops
        • While loop
        • For loop
        • Foreach loop
        • do…while loop
      • Loop control statements
      • Type Casting
      • Lambda Expressions
      • Strings and String Operations
        • Escape Sequences
        • String Concatenation
        • String Interpolation
        • Composite String Formatting
        • Accessing Chars in a String
        • Splitting a String
        • Replace text in a String
        • Trim White Space
        • Extract Substrings from a String
        • Convert a String to Char array
        • Convert a Char array to String
        • Changing case of a String
      • Working with Date and Time
        • DateTime object and static fields
        • TimeSpan
        • Convert DateTime to String and Custom Formatting
        • Convert String to DateTime
      • File Handling
        • Creating a File
        • Deleting a File
        • ReadWrite on a File
        • Appending to a File
        • Copy and Move a File
    • Reading Recommendations

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