Laraboot: Laravel 5 For Beginners
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Laraboot: Laravel 5 For Beginners

About the Book

Laraboot is oriented to beginning and intermediate PHP programmers who want to learn the Laravel Framework.  In the book, we build a reusable template, branded as Laraboot, that covers many of the basic things you will need for all of your projects, including:

  • One-click Facebook Registration
  • Full Access Control
  • Datagrid with column sorts, populated from Ajax
  • Fully integrated Bootstrap front-end
  • backend Admin area
  • User Profiles and Settings

The Laraboot template is written with simple, practical code that is explained in granular detail. You've probably heard a lot of great things about Laravel and they are all true. You will love working with Laravel!

Laraboot is written and maintained by Bill Keck, an author with a passion for writing and PHP frameworks.  His books and blogs are read by programmers all over the world.  He strives to help programmers new to the Laravel framework understand it, with clear and full implementations, so that everyone can take advantage of the amazing Laravel PHP framework.

About the Author

Bill Keck
Bill Keck

Bill Keck is the author of 100 Patterns For Success, Laravel 5.4 For Beginners and other books on Laravel and PHP Frameworks.  He actively maintains the PHP Frameworks Blog and the Laravel Tips blog.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • Introduction
    • Features
    • What Makes The Laravel Framework Special?
    • Upsides
    • Downsides
    • Why I chose Laravel
    • Why I’m Writing This Book
    • Artisan
    • MySql
    • Documentation
    • Minimum PHP Skills
    • W3 Schools
    • MInimum HTML and CSS skills
    • Minimum Javascript Skills
    • Errata
    • Contact Bill Keck
    • Laraboot on Github
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: The Development Environment
    • The Fun Part
    • MAC or Windows?
    • MAMP
    • IDE
    • Composer
    • Minimum Version of PHP
    • Homebrew
    • Git
    • Command Console
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Installation of Laravel
    • Composer install of Laravel
    • Create Project in IDE
    • Setup Local Host file:
    • Vhost Entry
    • httpd.conf
    • MOD Rewrite
    • Restart Apache
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Let’s Get Started With Laravel
    • Set Up The Repository
    • Initial Commit
    • Diving Into Workflow
    • Setup the DB
    • Application Structure
    • Basic Stitching
    • Routes
    • The Style Problem
    • Unit Testing
    • Creating a Route
    • Creating a Controller
    • Artisan
    • RESTful pattern
    • Namespaces and Use Statements
    • Index Method
    • Views
    • Blade
    • Creating A Master Page
    • CDN
    • View Partials
    • Full Code
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: User Registration And Login
    • Controllers
    • User Model
    • Migrations
    • Installing the Dbal Package
    • Make Auth
    • AuthController
    • Traits
    • Gravatar
    • Facades
    • Bootstrapper
    • Pages Controller
    • New Nav
    • Auth Methods
    • Auth Views
    • emails view folder
    • password.blade.php.
    • Config Folder
    • passwords view folder
    • email.blade.php view
    • reset.blade.php
    • Auth View Folder
    • register.blade.php
    • login.blade.php
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Working with the RESTful Pattern
    • Sweet Alert
    • Usage
    • Model
    • Model Factory
    • Route Resource
    • RESTful Controller
    • Collective HTML
    • Config
    • Errors List
    • Store Method
    • Die and Dump
    • Index Method
    • Datatables Jquery Plugin
    • Datatables CDN Call
    • Datatables CSS CDN Calls
    • The API Route
    • Api/Controller
    • Test the API
    • Index View
    • Datatable Partial
    • Datatable-script Partial
    • Slugs
    • Changing the Store Method
    • Create the Slug
    • Changing the Create Method
    • Add Auth Use Statement
    • Change $fillable Property on Widget Model
    • Basic Relationships
    • Change widgetData Method on ApiController
    • Change datatable.blade Headings
    • Change datatable-script.blade.php to Add Columns
    • Add Middleware to WidgetController
    • Change Routes to Widget
    • Show Method
    • Accessors and Mutators
    • Edit Method
    • Update Method
    • Destroy Method
    • Error Handling
    • 404.blade.php
    • Exceptions
    • Nav
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Access Control
    • OwnsRecord Trait
    • Modify User Table Migration
    • User $fillable
    • Admin Middleware
    • AllowIfAdmin
    • isAdmin Method
    • Admin Index
    • NoActiveAccountException
    • Modifying the Auth Controller
    • AuthController
    • Update Users Table
    • Registration Form
    • register.blade.php
    • Users Migration
    • Update User $fillable
    • AuthController
    • Create Method
    • Terms Of Service
    • Privacy
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Socialite - One Click Facebook Login
    • Facebook
    • Modify Users Table
    • Mass Assignment
    • Social Routes
    • session.php
    • InvalidStateException
    • Set up Facebook App
    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3
    • Step 4
    • Step 5
    • Step 6
    • Step 7
    • Step 8
    • Step 9
    • Step 10
    • Step 11
    • Step 12
    • Step 13
    • Integrating Socialite
    • AuthController
    • Navigation To Facebook
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Profile, Settings and Admin Dash
    • Profile
    • my-profile and show-profile Routes
    • Add Profile to Nav
    • Profile Views
    • Show View - Profile
    • Index View - Profile
    • Edit View - Profile
    • API Route for Profile:
    • profileData Method
    • Datatable-script - Profile
    • Datatable View - Profile
    • Users For Admin
    • UserController.php
    • UserRequest
    • User Model changes
    • HasModelTrait
    • Index View
    • Datatable View
    • Datatable-script View
    • Show View
    • Edit View
    • Navigation to Users & Profiles
    • Settings
    • Settings Routes
    • SettingsController
    • Create Settings View Folder
    • Edit View For Settings
    • Add Settings To Nav
    • Admin Page
    • Add Facebook sign in buttons to Login and Register Views
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Working With Images
    • Create imgs, marketing-images, and thumbnails folder.
    • Create Image Request
    • Show Method
    • Add Accessor Methods to MarketingImage Model
    • show view
    • Edit view
    • Edit Method
    • Edit Image Request
    • Update method
    • Destroy Method
    • Api route
    • API Controller Method
    • Index method
    • index view
    • datatable view
    • datatable-script.blade.php
    • Add Nav To Marketing Images
    • Carousel
    • Pages Index View
    • Update slider.blade.php
    • image_weight
    • Modify MarketingImageController
    • CreateImageRequest and EditImageRequest
    • Marketing Image Create and edit Views
    • MarketingImage Show View
    • marketingImageData API Controller
    • Datatable View
    • datatable-script.blade.php
    • PagesController Index Method
    • grid.blade.php
    • nav.blade.php
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Making a Custom Artisan Command
    • Make Console
    • Kernel
    • Handle Method
    • makeTraitDirectory
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Using ViewMaker
    • Install Fresh Copy of Laravel
    • Create the Database
    • Install ViewMaker
    • make:master
    • css.blade.php
    • meta.blade.php
    • scripts.blade.php
    • nav.blade.php
    • Stepping Backward
    • make:foundation
    • Conventions
    • Flexibility
    • make:views
    • View Templates
    • Plain Templates
    • Basic Templates
    • Datatables Template
    • Vue Templates
    • make:crud
    • make:auth
    • Summary

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