Yii 2 For Beginners
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Yii 2 For Beginners

A step by step guide to learning Yii 2 for beginners

About the Book

Yii 2 for beginners will take you step by step through setup and installation, and then on to coding in the most  exciting PHP framework available today.  The book focuses on creating a reusable template that can serve as the basis for your projects, including the following features:

  • Setup and install
  • A Working user model
  • User registration and login
  • User Profile
  • Forgot password recovery
  • Frontend and backend separation
  • Helper classes
  • Access control
  • Free/Paid content control
  • RBAC with backend UI
  • JUI DatePicker
  • Facebook Social Widgets
  • Font-Awesome Implementation
  • Image Upload and Management
  • Multiple Social Auth Providers
  • Custom Data-driven Carousel Widget
  • Facebook Login & Registration with one click

This book is perfect for beginning PHP programmers who are ready to move onto framework development.  The Yii 2 PHP framework is highly scalable and extensible, and loaded with features.  We introduce you to this wonderful framework and explain in detail everything you need to know to get up and running.  See our great reviews at GoodReads.com.  You will love Yii 2!


About the Author

Bill Keck
Bill Keck

Bill Keck has been developing web applications since 1999.  In 2005, he was invited to speak at the Google campus in Mountain View because of a private white paper he authored.  He is currently CEO of SERRF Corp, a company that utilizes Yii extensively in its products.  He is also the author of a  Yii 2 blog that conducts numerous polls in the PHP community.  He is a strong believer in the Yii 2 framework and consults with developers on how to take advantage of all the efficiencies in development that Yii 2 offers.

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Table of Contents

  • Chapter One: Introduction
    • Introduction
    • Features
    • What Makes The Yii 2 Framework Special?
    • Upsides
    • Downsides
    • Why I chose Yii 2
    • Other Options
    • Yii 2 Arrives
    • Gii
    • DB-First Approach
    • MySql
    • Improved Workflow
    • Minimum PHP Skills
    • Tools You Will Need
    • Errata
    • Contact Bill Keck
    • Summary
  • Chapter Two: Yii 2 Advanced Template Installation
    • Quick Setup of Yii2 Advanced Template
    • Step 1 - Create Folder
    • Step 2 - Apache Conf
    • Step 3 - Local Host
    • Step 4 - Restart Apache
    • Step 5 - Create Project in IDE
    • Step 6 - Find Command Line Path
    • Step 7 - Composer Self-Update
    • Step 8 - Install Yii 2
    • Step 9 - Check For Yii 2 Folder
    • Step 10 - Run Php Init
    • Step 11 - Create The Database
    • Step 12 - Set DB Connection
    • Step 13 - Run Migration
    • Step 14 - Create Git Repository
    • Step 15 - Confirm App Is Working
    • Trouble-Shooting
    • Summary
  • Chapter Three: Welcome to the MVC
    • MVC Pattern
    • Index.php
    • The Application Instance
    • Routing
    • Using Gii
    • Bootstrap
    • Debugger
    • Summary
  • Chapter Four: Modifying the User Model
    • Role and Status
    • The User Model
    • Properties of the Model
    • Constants
    • Identity Interface
    • Behaviors
    • Rules
    • Identity Methods
    • Boilerplate Methods
    • Other Models Accessing User
    • SignupForm Model
    • Summary
  • Chapter Five: Creating New Models with Gii
    • Creating Tables
    • Role Table
    • Status Table
    • User Type Table
    • Gender Table
    • Profile Table
    • Synchronize
    • Configuring Gii
    • Making Models with Gii
    • Create Role Model
    • Add Records To Role Table
    • Add Relationship To Role
    • Update User Model with Role
    • Create Status Model
    • Update User Model with getStatus
    • Add Records to Status Table
    • Create UserType Model
    • Update User Model with UserType
    • Add Records to user_type Table
    • Create Gender Model
    • Add Records to gender Table
    • Create Profile Model
    • The Complete Profile Model
    • Update User Model with Profile
    • Finish Up User Model
    • The Complete User Model
    • Summary
  • Chapter Six: Helpers
    • Value Helpers
    • Permission Helpers
    • Record Helpers
    • Summary
  • Chapter Seven: Site Controller
    • Behaviors
    • Actions
    • Index Action
    • Login Action
    • Login Form Model
    • Logout Action
    • Contact Action
    • Contact Form Model
    • Captcha
    • Contact View Form
    • About Action
    • Signup Action
    • Signup Form Model
    • ResetPasswordForm Model
    • Backend Site Controller
    • Beginning Access Control
    • loginAdmin Method
    • Summary
  • Chapter Eight: Profile Crud
    • CRUD
    • Profile Controller
    • Profile Search
    • _search
    • _form
    • Index
    • View
    • Create
    • Update
    • Modifying Profile Controller & Views
    • Modifying the Profile Controller
    • Index Action
    • View Action
    • Create Action
    • Update Action
    • Delete Action
    • FindModel Action
    • Modifying the Profile Views
    • View.php
    • Gender
    • Form Partial
    • Create
    • Update
    • Site Layout
    • Profile Link
    • DatePicker
    • Summary
  • Chapter Nine: Upgrade and Access Control
    • Upgrade Controller
    • Upgrade View
    • Require Upgrade To
    • Access Control
    • Passing A Variable From the Controller
    • Summary
  • Chapter Ten: Homepage Social Widgets
    • Implementing Homepage Social Widgets
    • Index
    • Facebook Widget
    • Facebook App Setup
    • Facebook Configuration
    • Extensions
    • HTML Helper
    • Collapse Widget
    • Modal Widget
    • Alert Widget
    • Font-Awesome
    • Asset Bundle
    • Add Font-Awesome to Layout
    • Summary
  • Chapter Eleven: Backend Creation
    • Main.php
    • Updating Backend Views
    • backend/views/profile/_form.php
    • backend/views/profile/view.php
    • backend/views/user/view.php
    • backend/views/user/_form
    • Deeper Changes to Backend
    • backend/views/user/index.php
    • backend/views/profile/index.php
    • backend/views/profile/_search.php
    • backend/views/user/_search.php
    • User Search
    • Admin UI
    • Controller Behaviors
    • Match Callback
    • Summary
    • About The Author
  • Chapter 12: Bonus Material
    • AutoResponder
    • Dropdown Navigation
    • FAQ
    • Test Controller
    • Components
    • Creating a Custom Widget
    • CDN
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: Bonus Material Pretty Urls & Slugs
    • Pretty URLs
    • Apache Vhost
    • Restart Apache
    • Slugs
    • Sluggable Behavior
    • Slug Column
    • Drop old Faqs and Create New Ones
    • Add Url Manager Rules
    • Modify View Action on FaqController
    • Modify Create and Update Actions on Backend Controller
    • Change Gridview Action Column URL
    • Summary
  • Chapter 14: Bonus Material Social Login and Register
    • Yii2 - AuthClient
    • Install yii2authclient via Composer
    • Configuration
    • Twitter Issue
    • Provider Applications
    • Facebook App
    • Github App
    • Google App
    • LinkedIn App
    • Index View Change
    • Login View Change
    • Signup View Change
    • Social Sync Dropdown
    • Auth Data Structure
    • Auth Model
    • Site Controller Actions Method
    • OnAuth Success
    • Updated OnAuth Success
    • Login and Registration Scenarios
    • Refactor For Maintainability and Extensibility
    • New Class Properties
    • New Helper Methods
    • OnAuthSuccess Method
    • Action Login
    • Action Signup
    • Pages Controller
    • Summary
  • Chapter 15: Template Migration guide.
    • User
    • Role
    • UserType:
    • Status
    • ValueHelpers
    • PermissionHelpers
    • RecordHelpers
    • Database Changes
    • Extra ValueHelpers
    • LoginForm Model
    • PasswordResetRequestForm
    • UserSearch
    • ProfileSearch
    • Main.php
    • Index.php
    • Troubleshooting
    • Summary
  • Chapter 16: Images and File Uploads
    • The Uploads Folder
    • Marketing Image Table
    • Marketing Image SQL
    • Marketing Image Model
    • Modify MarketingImage Model
    • PHP FileInfo
    • Modify MarketingImage Search Model
    • Modify Index View
    • Modify View
    • Modify Update View
    • Modify _search Partial
    • Modify _form Partial
    • Modifying the Controller
    • The Create Action
    • The Update Action
    • The Delete Action
    • Image Thumbnails with Imagine
    • Install Yii 2 Imagine Extension
    • Create Thumbnail Folder
    • Alter Marketing Image Table
    • Modify MarketingImage Model
    • Scenarios
    • Modify MarketingImageSearch
    • Modifying Marketing Image Controller
    • Modify Create Action
    • Modify Update Action
    • Modify Delete Action
    • Modify Views
    • Modify View
    • Modify Update
    • Modify _form
    • Modify _search
    • Modify Index
    • URL Manager
    • Carousel Widget
    • CarouselWidget.php
    • carousel.php
    • Pages Index
    • Carousel Settings
    • carousel_settings table
    • CarouselSettings Model
    • CarouselSettingsSearch Model
    • CarouselSettingsController
    • CarouselSettings _form View
    • CarouselSettings view.php View
    • CarouselSettings index.php View
    • CarouselSettings _search View
    • PagesController
    • Pages Index View
    • CarouselWidget
    • carousel.php
    • Main
    • Summary
  • Chapter 17: Bonus Material Ratings Widget
    • FaqRatings Model
    • $model->getErrors()
    • Overwrite Save Method on Model
    • Faq Controller
    • Frontend Faq view.php
    • _rating-form.php
    • FaqRatings Controller
    • Faq Model
    • Faq Index View
    • Faq View
    • Signup Form Model
    • signup.php
    • terms.php
    • termsoverflow.css
    • Frontend AppAsset.php
    • Improving The Carousel
    • Modify marketing_imageTable
    • Modify MarketingImage Model
    • MarketingImage Views
    • Marketing Image view.php
    • Update View
    • MarketingImage Controller
    • Create Action
    • Update Action
    • Delete Action
    • Entire File
    • CarouselSettings Model Rules
    • CarouselWidget
    • validateSize Method
    • Entire CarouselWidget File
    • carousel.php
    • Summary
  • Chapter 18: Bonus Material Returning Calculated Values in Gridview
    • Sorting A Calculated Value In Gridview
    • Donate To Kartik
    • Average Rating For Gridview
    • Times Rated
    • Summary

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