Just Enough ownCloud on a Raspberry Pi
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Just Enough ownCloud on a Raspberry Pi

About the Book

Just Enough ownCloud...

... to be dangerous.

If you've used Dropbox you will know that it provides a fantastic method to share and store information. You may not know that there is an outstanding open source alternative called ownCloud that provides a very similar functionality. Better yet, we can run it on everyones favourite low cost computer the Raspberry Pi! 

Why is this a good idea?

  • You may have some philosophical inclination that means you would prefer that you had control of the data you are storing the cloud
  • Maybe you want to experiment with some new software and expand your Linux skills;
  • Perhaps you feel like flexing your Raspberry Pi a little bit.

Whatever the reason, hopefully you can find the answer here.

Is this book for you?

It's not written for experts. It's put together as a guide to get you started if you're unsure about how to make the first move with a Raspberry Pi, Linux and ownCloud.

Why is Just Enough ownCloud being written?

Because in the process of learning things, it's a great way to remember them if you write them down :-).

Writing about how to do cool stuff with computers means that we're accumulating ways to help ourselves out when the going gets tricky. Making a book out of the information is a no-brainer since that way more people benefit from the process.

The awesome that is Leanpub.

The book has some information in it, but there's still a bit more to come. Publishing using Leanpub will allow readers to get easy notification of when updates and improvements are made.


So we hope you get something out of the book, please excuse the sometimes light-hearted conversational manner in which we approach the topic and enjoy ownCloud!

About the Author

Malcolm Maclean
Sam King

I have a passion for knowledge and I realise that part of the responsibility of gathering knowledge is being able to advance the state of the human condition in some way.

My aims using ownCloud, the Raspberry Pi, Linux and in writing this book were to play with software and hardware, achieve a personal goal and try something new for fun.

I don't have a formal Linux or coding background so the way I explain things is focussed on trying to impart that understanding in a simple but functional way.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter (@d3noob), I find it a great service to get alerted to what's going on.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Welcome!
    • What are we trying to do?
    • Who is this book for?
    • Other Useful Resources
      • owncloud.org
      • raspberrypi.org
      • howtovmlinux.com
      • The Linux Information Project (linfo.org)
    • What stuff will we need?
      • Raspberry Pi
      • ownCloud
  • Setting up the hardware
    • Hardware
      • The Raspberry Pi
      • Case
      • SD Card
      • Keyboard / Mouse
      • Video
      • Network
  • Setting up the Operating System
    • Welcome to Raspbian
    • Sourcing and Setting Up
      • Downloading
      • Writing Raspbian to the SD Card
    • Installing Raspbian
    • Static IP Address
      • The Netmask
      • Distinguish Dynamic from Static
      • Default Gateway
      • Edit the interfaces file
    • Setting up a WiFi Network Connection (optional)
    • Remote access via ssh
      • Setting up the Server (Raspberry Pi)
      • Installing SSH on the Raspberry Pi.
      • Setting up the Client (Windows)
    • Software Updates
    • Web Server and PHP
      • Enable SSL on web webserver (optional)
  • Setting up ownCloud
  • Quick set up for Raspbian and ownCloud on the Raspberry Pi
    • Download Raspbian Image
    • Writing Raspbian to the SD Card (using Windows)
    • Installing Raspbian
    • Software Updates
    • Static IP Address
    • Setting up the PuTTY Client on Windows
    • Software Updates
    • Web Server and PHP
    • Enable SSL on web webserver
    • Install ownCloud
  • Linux Commands
    • Executing Commands in Linux
    • The Commands
      • apt-get
      • ifconfig
      • sudo

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