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Literary Past, Digital Present

About the Book

Our digital environment seems constantly new, but this is not the first time a new medium has upset society with its possibilities and perils. Seven authors contribute 14 chapters on the digital phenomena of today, as seen through key themes of the European Renaissance. We seem to be dwelling in immaterial electronic worlds, but ironically, these become passports to increased engagement with the physical world. The Internet is a worldwide commons, but its success depends upon social structures and customs that are in flux. Our humanity is being displayed and augmented through the new media, throwing into question whether we are enhancing or detracting from our fundamental humanity. Finally, powerful institutions are being disrupted through digital means, a pattern as old as the Reformation and as new as this week. 

Join our authors in investigating how today's digital society replays issues well explored during the European Renaissance of yesterday.

About the Editor

Gideon O. Burton
Gideon O. Burton

Dr. Gideon Burton is Asst. Professor of English at Brigham Young University where he teaches and researches rhetoric, digital culture, and online communication.

About the Contributors

Ahnasariah Larsen
Ahnasariah Larsen
Addicted to reading and storytelling alike from a young age, Ahnasariah Larsen enjoys a thriving love affair with all things literature. She spent her adolescence in Minnesota and considers herself a native, lives for a good thunderstorm, and is absolutely convinced that true happiness lies in a hot shower.
Doridé Uvaldo-Nelson
Doridé Uvaldo-Nelson
Doridé is a student at Brigham Young University. She is majoring in English and minoring in Women’s Studies and plans on graduating December 2015. Her work has previously appeared in Salt Lake Magazine and Insight, the BYU Honors magazine.
Isaac Lyman
Isaac Lyman
Isaac Lyman is a senior-year English student at Brigham Young University and an avid computer programmer. He and his wife live in Utah in between vacations to New York City.
Jazmine Emerson
Jazmine Emerson
Jazmine Emerson is a Senior at Brigham Young University studying English. She loves reading, eating, and dancing.
Katie Bowman
Katie Bowman
Katie Bowman split her adolescence between Kansas City and Toronto. She currently lives in Utah attending Brigham Young University. She is studying English and enjoys jazz, theatre, and good food.
Kurt Anderson
Kurt Anderson
Kurt Anderson is a Senior who feels like a Sophomore at Brigham Young University. He is an English major who is probably going to end up as an English professor. He lives in Provo, Utah for the foreseeable future.
Nikkita Walker
Nikkita Walker
Nikkita Walker is a California native who uprooted herself to study literature in Utah, which should be a testament to how much she loves storytelling. She is currently a senior at Brigham Young University finishing a degree in English and upon graduation plans to never be cold again.

Table of Contents

    • Introduction: Literary Past, Digital Present
  • Digital Passports to Material Worlds
    • Contemporary Crafts in a Digital Culture
    • From the InterWeb to the Bunker
    • Responsible Wanderlust
  • Building a More Creative Commons
    • Crowd Sourcing Fiction
    • The Unspoken Caste System in Social Media
    • Free Code and Renaissance Plagiarism
  • The (De)Humanizing Web
    • Humanism of New York
    • Dehumanizing with the Swipe of a Finger
    • Virtually New Worlds
    • Selfies: Is it Really Ourselves?
    • The Deleted Body
  • The Powers That Be Not
    • Behind Government Reformation in the Age of WikiLeaks
    • K-12: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic … and Coding?
    • Agricultural Regression, Food Revolution

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