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Hosting and Facilitating

About the Book

This book was born from the need to explain others that they can facilitate a coderetreat. After many first-time facilitator training sessions during the 5 years organizing Global Day of Coderetreat, we realized that we need another medium to explain coderetreat. It is true that the depth of facilitating and hosting can be understood only after dealing with these tasks. This book will help anyone who wants to facilitate or host a coderetreat to make that transition faster and to be more productive during the learning process.

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About the Authors

Adrian Bolboacă
Adrian Bolboacă

I work as a programmer, trainer and coach.

For a while now I started creating games in order to teach others some intricate aspects of programming. I facilitated a lot of coderetreats, around 100, and around 10 legacy coderetreats. I love facilitating any other forms of deliberate practice. I also love to invent new deliberate practice sessions.

As a programmer I love to refactor legacy code. This is why I am writing a bunch of articles on the subject and I am doing code casts for that subject.

As a trainer I like teaching unit testing, TDD, refactoring, legacy code techniques, software design, but also agile, Scrum, lean, Kanban, Lean startup, etc.

As a coach I mix all of them together with a willingness to help my customers constantly improve their way of working.

Co-author of Coderetreat - Hosting and Facilitating

Author of Facilitating Technical Events

Find my ideas at

Alexandru Bolboaca
Alexandru Bolboaca

I am the CTO of Mozaic Works, which means I'm mostly doing programming, coaching and training. Same things that I did, and continue doing, for customers.

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About the Contributors

Peter Kofler
Peter Kofler

Software Developer, Completionist and officially appointed Code Cop

Samir Talwar
Samir Talwar

CTO of

Thomas Sundberg
Thomas Sundberg

Independent software consultant

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • How Alex got involved in coderetreats, and why you should too
  • About the book
  • Support the book
  • Chapter 1: A bit of history
    • How it all started
    • Maria, Alex and the first coderetreats outside US
    • Adi got involved
  • Chapter 2: Format
    • Full day event
    • Roles
    • Program
    • A few more things
  • Chapter 3: How to facilitate
    • What is a facilitator?
    • The host
    • Coderetreat day events
    • Facilitation styles
  • Chapter 4: How to host
    • Responsibilities
    • The space
    • Promoting the event
    • Find a facilitator
    • Sponsorship
    • Registration
    • Dealing with no-shows
    • Information for attendees at the venue
    • Lunch
    • Prizes or end of event surprises
    • Emergencies
    • Socializing after a coderetreat
    • Celebrate
  • Chapter 5: Session Catalogue
    • Session 1: Tackle The Problem
    • Session 2: Maximum 4 statements per method
    • Session 3: No predefined data structures
    • Session 4: No conditionals
    • Session 5: No mouse
    • Session 6: No loops
    • Session 7: Programming by Wishful Thinking
    • Session 8: Ping Pong Pair-Programming
    • Session 9: Silent Pair-Programming
    • Session 10: Beginner’s Mind
    • Session 11: Yes, and…
    • Session 12: Solution Seeker
    • Session 13: Brutal Refactoring Game
    • Session 14: Taking Baby Steps
    • Session 15: Teddy Bear Pair Programming
    • Session 16: Evil Pair Programming
  • Chapter 6: Frequently Asked Questions
    • Why attending the whole day?
    • I want to facilitate. Where to start?
    • I want to host. Where to start?
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements

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