Beginning Mobile App Development with React Native
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Beginning Mobile App Development with React Native

A comprehensive tutorial-style eBook that gets you from zero to native iOS app development with JavaScript in no time.

About the Book

What is it?

A comprehensive tutorial-style eBook that gets you from zero to native iOS app development with JavaScript in no time.

For whom is it intended?

The ideal reader of this book comes from a web-centric JavaScript background (for example by having worked with jQuery before), but not necessarily with any previous experience in using React on the web.

You might have played with the thought of starting iOS app development, but hesitate to jump ships towards Object-C programming.

With this book, you can leverage your JavaScript experience and be a highly productive app developer from day one, thanks to the React Native framework developed by Facebook which allows to create blazingly fast and fluid native iOS apps by writing JavaScript code.

If you did some JavaScript programming before and want to become a mobile app developer, then this book is for you. It introduces everything that is needed to work with the React Native JavaScript framework in an easy-to-follow and comprehensive manner.

Which topics are covered in the book?

In the course of the book, the reader will build a full-fledged native mobile app for iOS, learning about each React Native framework detail on the way to the final product. Furthermore, the reader will be introduced to every tool and all JavaScript language constructs needed to fully master software development with React Native: JSX, ECMAScript 6, the CSS Flexbox system, Xcode®, Node.js and NPM, utilities like watchman, and more.

About the Author

Manuel Kiessling
Manuel Kiessling

Who's behind this?

Hi. My name is Manuel Kiessling. I'm a software development and systems administration team lead from Cologne, Germany.

I have written The Node Beginner Book and The Node Craftsman Book, which provide an in-depth introduction to developing software with Node.js.

To this day, both eBooks have together sold over 25,000 copies. Here is what people are saying about them:


"This is an amazing introduction to Node."

Ryan Dahl, creator of Node.js


"This is one of the best tutorials I've read. As a former Java coder, I've always found JavaScript to be a black art, but you have really simplified things with this tutorial."

User Erskine, from the comments on


"I love - concise, direct to the point and even enjoyable to read."

Gojko Adzic, author of Specification by Example and Bridging the Communication Gap


"I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for writing such an excellent introduction to node. Your book's explanation is fantastic, and I can't wait to finish it!"

Seth McLaughlin, via eMail

Table of Contents

  • Trademark notes
  • Preface
    • Status
    • Intended audience
    • Prerequisites
  • Setting up your development environment
    • Installing Homebrew
    • Installing Node.js
    • Installing Watchman
    • Installing Google Chrome
    • Installing the React Native CLI
  • Creating your first native iOS application using React Native
    • Creating the app structure
    • Starting the app
    • Working on the code
  • React Native architecture explained
    • A closer look at application creation
    • How the different parts play together
    • Feeding JavaScript code into the app
    • Modern JavaScript in React Native
    • Summary
  • Creating a first real app: BookBrowser
    • Preparing the new application
    • Planning the app
    • Building the first screen
    • Styling UIs with stylesheets
    • The Flexbox system explained
    • Adding text input
    • Of points and pixels
    • Handling events
    • JavaScript Expressions in JSX
    • Logging and debugging
    • Live reloading
    • Setting up app screen navigation
    • Navigating to a second screen
    • Component properties - props
    • Retrieving data over the network with the fetch API
    • Component state
    • Showing results with a ListView
    • Displaying images
    • Addding a book details screen
    • Conclusion

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