WTFlop 6M + HU - Beta Bundle
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WTFlop 6M + HU - Beta Bundle

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What The Board?

WTFlop (6Max) / A Bad Flop for the Preflop Raiser
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In this analysis I breakdown a hand where UTG raises preflop and gets called by the BTN, and they see a T97 rainbow flop. The analysis breaks down how each players range interacts with this flop and the resulting implications. The goal of the analysis is to show how to create a balanced flop strategy given the basic combinatorics and equities of each player’s range.

What The 3Bet?

WTFlop (6Max) / Playing a wet board in position in a 3bet pot
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In this hand the UTG player raises to 3bbs and gets 3bet by the Cutoff (CO) to 9bbs. The UTG player calls and they see a flop of 8h7h6h. The analysis looks at exploitative play, focusing on the play of the 3bettor. The analysis models the EV of betting vs checking vs various flop strategies from the UTG player, as well as multiple prelop ranges which interact differently with this flop.

What The Float?

WTFlop (6Max) / OOP Floats on Flop and Turn on a Low Board
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This book analyzes a $5/10 6-max NLHE hand where it folds to the BTN, and he min-raises to $20, the BB calls and they head to a flop of 8h5d3c. BB checks to BTN who bets $30 into the $45 pot, and BB calls. The turn is the Qs, completing the rainbow, and BB check calls a $80 bet ($105 pot) again. The river is the Kc and after checking BB faces a $200 bet ($265 pot).

Our analysis uses a simple but robust model to analyze the EV of calling a flop c-bet with various hand types, accounting for both turn and river play. Additionally, we analyze the EV of calling a turn c-bet with various hand types on several different turn cards.

What The CheckRaise?

WTFlop (HU) / River Strategies 200bb Deep in a Check Raised Pot
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This analysis focuses on a Heads Up hand where the Button raises to 3bbs and gets called by the big blind. They see a flop of 9d8c4h and the BTN bets 4bbs, the BB check raises to 13bbs, and the BTN calls. The turn is the 5c, and the BB bets 24bbs into the 32bb pot and the BTN calls. The analysis focuses on the best river line for the BB on the Ad river with a variety of different hands. We examine check raising, check calling, bet calling and bet/folding options.

What The River?

WTFlop (HU) / Bluffing the River On a Scary Board After Check Raising the Flop
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This book includes the analysis of a Heads Up hand where the players are playing $1/$2 no limit with $250 stacks. Preflop, the Button raises to $4 and the Big Blind calls. On a Th 6h 3c flop the BB checks, the BTN bets $6 into the $8 pot, and the BB check raises to $20, to which the BTN calls. On the turn 5d the pot is $48 and the BB bets $34 and the BTN calls. On a river 7h, completing many of the straight draws and the flush draw, the BB must decide which hands, if any, he wants to bluff the river with. We examine the range the BTN must call or raise with for the BB to prefer to bluff, and the differences in the EV of bluffing amongst various hands.

What The Defend?

WTFlop (HU) / Playing a Dangerous Board in a 3bet Pot In Position
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This analysis focuses on a Heads Up hand where the Button raises and faces a 3bet from the player in the big blind. The BTN calls and they see a flop of AsQhTs. The BB bets and the BTN calls, and they see a 9h turn. The BB bets and the analysis focuses on the decision to call, fold or raise for the BTN with various hand types ranging from weak top pairs, two pairs, bare flush draws, middle pair plus gutshot and more.

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