Parallel Computing, Infrastructure Automation, and Advanced Web Apps
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Parallel Computing, Infrastructure Automation, and Advanced Web Apps

About the Bundle

This bundle is excellent for professionals interested in efficient computing, modern web applications, and infrastructure automation. It includes parallel computing with Python, infrastructure automation with Terraform, and advanced web app development with WebAssembly.

To better manage massive datasets and accelerate data-intensive operations, "Parallel Python with Dask" teaches users how to implement parallel computing in Python.

Covering the fundamentals as well as advanced applications of Terraform, "Terraform for Developers" provides insights into automating cloud infrastructure. Cloud architects and engineers must possess this knowledge.

"WebAssembly Essentials" rounds out this bundle by going in-depth on WebAssembly for high-performance web applications.

Reading these books together will prepare professionals to handle the challenges of modern computing environments with confidence, as they will teach them how to automate cloud infrastructure, build sophisticated web applications, and efficiently manage large-scale data processing.

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    • Python
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Functional Programming
    • Distributed Systems
    • Software Engineering
    • System Integration
    • Version Control
    • Terraform
    • Infrastructure as Code
    • Web Development
    • JavaScript

About the Books

Parallel Python with Dask

Make code reusable and deployed for high performance web apps
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Unlock the Power of Parallel Python with Dask: A Perfect Learning Guide for Aspiring Data Scientists

Dask has revolutionized parallel computing for Python, empowering data scientists to accelerate their workflows. This comprehensive guide unravels the intricacies of Dask to help you harness its capabilities for machine learning and data analysis.

Across 10 chapters, you'll master Dask's fundamentals, architecture, and integration with Python's scientific computing ecosystem. Step-by-step tutorials demonstrate parallel mapping, task scheduling, and leveraging Dask arrays for NumPy workloads. You'll discover how Dask seamlessly scales Pandas, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, and other libraries for large datasets.

Dedicated chapters explore scaling regression, classification, hyperparameter tuning, feature engineering, and more with clear examples. You'll also learn to tap into the power of GPUs with Dask, RAPIDS, and Google JAX for orders of magnitude speedups.

This book places special emphasis on practical use cases related to scalability and distributed computing. You'll learn Dask patterns for cluster computing, managing resources efficiently, and robust data pipelines. The advanced chapters on DaskML and deep learning showcase how to build scalable models with PyTorch and TensorFlow.

With this book, you'll gain practical skills to:

  • Accelerate Python workloads with parallel mapping and task scheduling
  • Speed up NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, and other libraries
  • Build scalable machine learning pipelines for large datasets
  • Leverage GPUs efficiently via Dask, RAPIDS and JAX
  • Manage Dask clusters and workflows for distributed computing
  • Streamline deep learning models with DaskML and DL frameworks

Packed with hands-on examples and expert insights, this book provides the complete toolkit to harness Dask's capabilities. It will empower Python programmers, data scientists, and machine learning engineers to achieve faster workflows and operationalize parallel computing.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction to Dask
  2. Dask Fundamentals
  3. Batch Data Parallel Processing with Dask
  4. Distributed Systems and Dask
  5. Advanced Dask: APIs and Building Blocks
  6. Dask with Pandas
  7. Dask with Scikit-learn
  8. Dask and PyTorch
  9. Dask with GPUs
  10. Scaling Machine Learning Projects with Dask

Terraform for Developers

Essentials of Infrastructure Automation and Provisioning
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"Terraform for Developers" provides a comprehensive guide to mastering infrastructure as code with Terraform, intended for both beginners and experienced practitioners. The book starts by introducing foundational Terraform concepts like its architecture, setup on various cloud platforms, and the syntax of its configuration language HCL. This grounds the reader in core skills needed to author infrastructure code.

It then explores the full lifecycle of a Terraform project from state management, provisioning, networking, troubleshooting errors, and testing practices. Each phase is explained through practical examples relevant to real-world usage. Advanced skills like performance optimization, CI/CD integration, and modules are covered to take the reader from basic to expert.

The book finishes with sophisticated use cases like Kubernetes infrastructure automation and secrets management with HashiCorp Vault with elementary level demonstrations. The end result is a 360-degree education in Terraform - from installation to advanced usage across public clouds. Readers gain both theoretical foundations and hands-on skills transferred through practical examples. The book takes a holistic approach that equips practitioners to leverage Terraform in production environments.

[Note: Readers are advised not to misguide this book as a mastering book but does covers every possible task Terraform can perform.]

Key Learnings

  • Comprehensive introduction to Terraform's architecture, syntax, and semantics.
  • Practical examples to understand Infrastructure as Code (IaC) concept.
  • Detailed guidance on setting up Terraform in diverse environments.
  • Exploring Terraform's lifecycle, from initialization to resource destruction.
  • Insightful exploration of error management and troubleshooting techniques.
  • In-depth discussion on network management using Terraform for real-world scenarios.
  • Advanced topics coverage like Kubernetes resources and dynamic secrets.
  • Detailed explanation of Terraform's integration with CI/CD pipelines.
  • Extensive study of Terraform testing, including unit, integration, and compliance tests.
  • Knowledge on module creation and version control for efficient code reuse.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction to Terraform and Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  2. Getting Started with Terraform
  3. Essentials of Terraform Configuration Language (HCL)
  4. Terraform Modules and Reusable Infrastructure
  5. Terraform State Management
  6. Provisioners and Provisioning Resources
  7. Working with Secrets
  8. Administering Networks with Terraform
  9. Advanced Topics in Terraform
  10. Administering Terraform As Expert


This book is designed for software professionals, system administrators, DevOps engineers, and cloud architects who aim to master Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using Terraform. Basic knowledge of cloud computing and some experience with coding will aid in comprehending the book's content.

WebAssembly Essentials

Make code reusable and deployed for high performance web apps
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Unleash the Speed: Master WebAssembly and Take Your Web Apps to the Next Level

Through practical examples, you’ll learn how WebAssembly can transform C++, Rust, and other languages into lightning-fast web apps. Step-by-step, you’ll master techniques to integrate WebAssembly modules into JavaScript projects for seamless communication.

But we go deeper. You’ll discover strategies to optimize code, leverage multi-threading, and apply cutting-edge methods like lazy loading. We also tackle memory management and dive into profiling, benchmarking, and browser tools to push performance to the limits.

This isn’t just essentials of webassembly - it’s a roadmap to learn intricacies, best practices, and solutions to common pitfalls. The goal is to equip you with the expertise to develop insanely fast applications. The future is native-level performance on the web. Join the revolution and skill up with this guide to mastering WebAssembly. Your web apps will never be the same!

Key Learnings

  • Grasp WASMs core concepts, bridging web and native apps, boosting performance seamlessly.
  • Dive into tools like Emscripten and Binaryen, facilitating efficient cross language compilations to Wasm.
  • Learn techniques to convert C++, Python, and Java apps, unlocking web application potential.
  • Seamlessly integrate JavaScript and WebAssembly, ensuring smooth inter-module communications.
  • Harness strategies for fine-tuning code, guaranteeing peak application performance.
  • Explore multi-threading, leveraging simultaneous operations, accelerating execution times.
  • Implement lazy loading and code splitting, optimizing web app responsiveness and load times.
  • Dive deep into efficient memory usage, ensuring resourceful application execution.
  • Proficiently use browser developer tools, dissecting and enhancing application performance.
  • Enhance user experience with effective caching, ensuring rapid web application accessibility.


This book is for every programmer aspiring to put their all applications onto web browser with the same speed, efficiency and product performance. Knowing fundamentals of any programming language and basics of web app development is sufficient to tear out the book wholly.

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