Organisational Psychotherapy Bundle 1
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Organisational Psychotherapy Bundle 1

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Organisational Psychotherapy series

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About the Books

Hearts over Diamonds

Serving Business and Society Through Organisational Psychotherapy
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To my knowledge, this is the first book ever written about Organisational Psychotherapy. Thanks for taking the time to have a look. This is a short book. And intentionally so. It’s not that Organisational Psychotherapy is a shallow domain. But this book just lays down the basics.

This book aims to inform three distinct groups of people: 

  • Senior managers and executives who might find advantage in hiring and engaging with an Organisational Psychotherapist.
  • Folks who might have an interest in becoming Organisational Psychotherapists themselves, either within their organisations or as e.g. freelancers.  
  • Folks within organisations who might find themselves involved in some way in their organisation’s engagement with one or more organisational psychotherapists.

We’re all busy people, so I guess you may be curious, or even a little concerned, as to whether this book will provide a good return on the time you might spend reading it. I’ve tried to arrange things so that you can quickly answer that question.

I intend this book to be easy to understand, and to that end I’ve used as much plain English as I can muster. I guess some folks find the whole idea of Organisational Psychotherapy somewhat intimidating, and fear the ideas here will “go over their heads”. Let me reassure you that I’ve tried to make this book common-sensical, friendly and down-to-earth.

John Seddon
Tobbe Gyllebring
Martin Hogg
Dan Creswell
Charles Lambdin
Hermanni Hyytiälä
Ian Carroll
Griffin Jones
Sergey Sobolev
Piotr Kuczynski
Andy Tabberer
Philip Hellyer
Michele Sollecito

13 reader testimonials


Surfacing the Memes of Your Organisation
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Many organisations seek change for the better, but many are destined to fail. This is down to many factors, but not least because organisations pay scant attention to their collective assumptions and beliefs, oftentimes called "culture". Memeology is an Organisational Psychotherapy self-help book, through which organisations can collectively surface and reflect upon their culture – and its influence on the health and success of the organisation.

Ian Carroll
Marco Consolaro

2 reader testimonials


An acme for software development organisations
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Many organisations seek change for the better, but many are destined to fail. This is down to many factors, but not least because organisations lack a clear model of what a quintessential software delivery-led organisation looks like and works like. 

This book is a map or blueprint of the quintessentially effective software delivery-led organisation, in book form. It's a book through which organisations can surface, reflect upon, and compare their collective culture, assumptions, beliefs and practices.

Equipped with such a map, it’s easier to spot where improvements might be made, and more fundamentally, the nature of such improvements, improvements which translate to improved health and success for the whole organisation.

Martin Hogg

1 reader testimonial

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