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Launch Bundle 2

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This is the special limited edition bundle specifically for the Launch of Robert Manis, Kill Something He Loves. Order this bundle and receive two free ebooks -- , two additional ebooks and a print edition (while supplies last) of Tales From the Next Level of Fiction.

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Paths of the Brokenhearted

a bloodlust steampunk novella
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The wire read “Similia similibus curantur Similar things cure similar things.” It was no code, no hidden message. It was sent in the plain and the deeper message it revealed had the desired effect as Katherine Pettigrew ran into the foyer of their ancestral home. She stood proud and defiant and shouted “Evil ones are on the move once again and once again it falls upon us to rein them in.” She lifted her hands to the sky and turned counter clockwise. “Smoke of air and fire and earth, cleanse and bless this home and hearth. Drive away all harm and fear; only good may enter here.” This is the beginning of the end of the Vampire pure bloods.Centuries earlier, in a last ditch effort to end the Vampire revolt, they entered into a pact with a powerful witch to summon the demon that consumed their kind, Caleb, son of Lilith, the Vampire eater. The demon did his job too well, literally decimating the vampires in the east and forcing a surrender. The solution was imprisoned by the witch and the vampire pure bloods retreated to the west and the new world. Centuries later murders and vampire signs are on the rise forcing the Brokenhearted to once again take action. Pawns or puppeteers, which are they? Are vampires really on the rise? or are they being set up? What ever you believe there is one thing that is certain, Caleb will be unleashed and vampires will surely die.

No Brakes 2

Your pleasure will bring pain
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Speaking of Rachel Holt..."She is like a hung jury all wrapped in one; filled with dogged determination to do the right thing, but wanting more than anything just to be left alone." J.Margolis

Rachel Holt returns to her childhood home in Jackson Heights Queens NY, to ready it for sale. She feels a deep gnawing pain in her gut, but continues to rifle through her recently deceased father's affects. Rachel comes across an envelope addressed to her, with a picture and note inside. 

The photo is from 1980 and it is in front of the big globe in Corona Park. Her parents always took her there to talk over things or just hang out. A place she went to immediately upon hearing of his death as if he would be there waiting to console her.

Those memories of that day fade away, and she opens the letter.

"Dearest love, I have no need to lie, I'm not married to ya... Rachel I am writing this because I fear my time is near. Yes I know I am not that old, but I somehow managed to cram 80 into 50. I write this as I live and breathe, however if you are reading it then I am long gone, no worries.

All of my life I have hated bad guys, and now that I am dead it's your turn. Look up in my attic, behind an old brown leather satchel; there is a cold case file that I have labeled No Brakes. It is a metaphor for the times of the day in 70s NYC, when our lives seemed like a runaway train with no brakes. Inside you will find five cases I could never solve before my retirement in 97.

I believe there is a common thread between them all, at least that is what I tell myself. Delusions can keep us warm I guess. Rachel you have a keen eye for the abstract, please put this to rest so that I may finally have peace. Each case comes with a brief synopsis and more of my own observations.

P.S.; Oh, Rachel if this leads to some old schmuck, now living in a retirement home somewhere in Bensonhurst show no pity. Use both barrels!! Loving you from the other side pops-“

‘This is an odd letter, never knew pops to write let alone type out a letter. How long did you know you were sick pops?' As she looks upon a distant memory, a tear rolls down her cheek.

"Once again the mind of JLN3 thrills me as he entertains my thoughts with yet another glimpse into a page turner! I'm honored to have read much of what James has to offer, and I have never been disappointed. If you want to read something that takes you to another place and time and keeps you enthralled along the way, read anything by this author!! You won't be disappointed!!" Goodreads review Trudyluvn

Robert Manis

Kill Something He Loves
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This is the fifth Robert Manis erotic crime drama, set seven years after he seizes control of the central government and ten years after the disappearance of his predecessor Director O'Neal.  The handsome seductive field operative is now married with two children and seeks to leave the troublesome affairs of the government behind.

For five years Director Manis has subdued international crime lords, quelled a coup from western Governors, secured the distribution of the wonder drug 'Nomescula', and all but eradicated the Carnal Cartel from the sex trades of the 22nd Century. Yet on the eve of his decision to relinquish his emergency powers, tremors of deceit and treachery are all about.

"Something is not right I can feel it, but after tomorrow, the matters of state will be someone else's problem, not mines." Or so he thought. 

An absence of power at the top is prime breeding ground for arrogant pursuers of such power. Two equally evil forces are dead set on regaining control and destabilizing the establishment in Nu America and The European Alliance. But neither of them are out to kill something he loves, and that is why he won't see it until it's too late. 

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