Archetypes State of Chaos
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Archetypes State of Chaos

Book 2 of the Archetypes Series

About the Book

NB: This project has not been abandoned-- life has gotten in the way since last Autumn. Project is projected to resume Q1-2 2017

Author Status: Climbing back up the face of a metaphorical cliff...

This section is under construction!

Sequel to Archetypes: State of Play.


Drafting is still undergoing after NaNoWriMo. This book will be periodically upated with rough work as time goes on. All work will be DRAFTS. There will be hardly any editing of this book until after it is completed in draft form.

Next Planned Update: Q2/3 2017 (Part II completed)


Current Version: V0.1.5

-Addition of 6 chapters to part 2 (about 11,000 words approximately).

-Some typos and other errors were fixed in original launch material.

Short Synopsis

Picking up right after the end of book one, Emile and Alpha Squadron must now deal with the new world they are thrown into. with the first hybrid in the hands on the enemy and their existence made public, they must learn to cope and deal with their new jobs. Max does his best to lead his team of misfits who are now down their XO. Civilian pressures are high now that they know of "superhumans" amongst their midst. Emile now leads all special forces and covert ops, his cover for managing the Archetype task force which he co-leads with Max.

Their job is to investigate cases that are cause for concern, neutralise targets that cannot be converted, and recruit those they can to their cause. However, their first priority is to fix their own problems before they can ge the show on the road.

Chief Inspector Ricardo is back to make extra work for the military as the civilian authority in place to determine what exactly lead to the death of eighty percent of the West's command staff, he is out for blood, Emile's blood, and will stop at nothing to bring his man to justice.

The fate of Diangello remains uncertain, as does Lucy's.

-Devon Steiger

About the Author

Devon Steiger
Devon Steiger

I am an undergraduate student at Concordia University studying English Literature & Professional Writing. I started writing in 2006 as a kid, and in 2008 started writing more seriously. Though none of the works writtenback then have ever seen the light of day, in 2010 I undertook writing a complete book for my IB personal project in high school. Five years later, that project has been placed on the shelf and in 2012, after two NaNoWriMo attempts, I released my first published work Archetypes: State of Play. Over the past three years I have focused mainly on my Academic career as that has been my priority, but as I am nearing the midway point of university I am becoming more and more serious about writing.

Since I launched Archetypes I have worked on several projects that are coming to fruition, including the upcoming Peace Speaker series and Anonymous. I enjoy writing and hope to continue to do so for a long time to come.


I am here for the community that reads my work and I am looking forward to getting to know you guys as well (if you let me of course). I hope that those of you who do read some of my works will enjoy it at least as much as I enjoyed making it. If I can do that, and maybe even get you to think about some of the things involved in that book, then I think I have succeeded in at least one of my primary goals.


Devon Steiger

Table of Contents

  • Part One:
  • Prologue: The Wheel Turns
  • Chapter 1: Mirky Waters
  • Chapter 2: Unfinished Business.
  • Chapter 3: Between Two Stones
  • Chapter 4: Unravelled
  • Chapter 5: Two Emile’s
  • Part Two:
  • Chapter 1: A New Breed of Learner
  • Chapter 3:
  • Chapter 4: Aftermath
  • Chapter 5:
  • Chapter 6: Consequences
  • Chapter 7: Promises

Causes Supported

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

Thirty days and nights of literary abandon!

Valuing enthusiasm and perseverance over painstaking craft, National Novel Writing Month is a novel-writing program for everyone who has thought fleetingly about writing a novel but has been scared away by the time and effort involved.

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a novel-writing program for everyone who has thought fleetingly about writing a novel but has been scared away by the time and effort involved. In 2012, approximately 420,000 people from around the world, including kids and teens, wrote novels in the month of the November. National Novel Writing Month provides novel writing resources, encouragement, and support through its online forums, pep talks from accomplished authors, and in community write-ins that take place in libraries, independent bookstores, and cafes around the world. People don’t just become writers in NaNoWriMo's programs; they write together in a supportive community.

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