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You can use this page to email Peter Armstrong about Aphantasia (Dansk Udgave).
Om bogen
Hvis du vil se verden på en ny måde, har jeg en simpel øvelse til dig:
1. Luk øjnene.
2. Forestil dig et bord.
3. Forestil dig en bold, der ruller af bordet.
(Seriøst, før du læser videre, så gør dette nu. Jeg venter.)
Nu, svar på følgende to spørgsmål:
1. Hvilken farve havde bolden?
2. Hvilken farve havde bordet?
Hvis du er en typisk person, svarede du sandsynligvis, at bolden var rød, gul eller blå. Jeg har også hørt mere detaljerede beskrivelser af bolden, som gul med blå striber.
For bordet, kan det være, at du tænkte på en farve eller et materiale som træ. Du har måske endda valgt en specifik træsort, som fyrretræ eller egetræ.
Nu, for nogle af jer, kan svaret være mere som mit...
(...fortsæt med at læse ved at klikke på knappen "Gratis at læse online" ovenfor for at læse det i din webbrowser, eller tilføj bogen til din kurv for at downloade og læse i PDF og EPUB...)
Om forfatterne
Peter Armstrong is the founder and CEO of Leanpub. He has over two decades of experience in software, including eight years as a developer at Silicon Valley startups. He founded Ruboss in 2008, and launched Leanpub in 2010.
Peter coined the term Lean Publishing. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress book using lightweight tools and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once you do.
Peter is the creator of Markua, the Markdown dialect used on Leanpub. He is the author of a number of books, including Lean Publishing, Aphantasia and Programming for Kids. He has a BSc in Computer Science and Psychology from the University of Victoria, and he and his wife live in Victoria, BC.
Leanpub now has a TranslateAI service which uses AI to translate their book from English into up to 31 languages, or from one of those 31 languages into English. We also have a GlobalAuthor bundle which uses TranslateAI to translate English-language books into either 8 or 31 languages.
Leanpub exists to serve our authors. We want to help you reach as many readers as possible, in their preferred language. So, just as Leanpub automates the process of publishing a PDF and EPUB ebook, we've now automated the process of translating those books!