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Engineering & Hostel

About the Book

Our lives are not complete without the stories we tell. We are transformed by them, and they form the foundation of our lives.

I found my Engineering and Hostel journeys to be life-changing. This short e-book tries to capture my candid experiences, failures, joys, and learnings. I have a feeling that this book can help folks who are looking forward to their transformational journey.

About the Author

Rahul Parwal
Rahul Parwal

Rahul Parwal is a seeker at heart; his love for Indian Mythology & Cricket and his ability to connect them with real-life situations gives him an edge both on professional and personal fronts.  

A firm believer of Right Education and an ardent advocate of Open-Source mentality. A great company to be with who will ensure that every conversation turns out to be as stimulating as a cup of hot coffee.

Check out his blog here:

He is available on LinkedIn @ and on Twitter @

About the Contributors

Shefali Pathak
Shefali Pathak

Hi, I’m Shefali. It’s been an exhilarating journey so far and I wanted to reach out to all of you, to share and hopefully inspire you to go on to realise that Life is beautiful! I’m an Administration Executive in the week and a singer, painter, a writer in the weekend. I volunteer at Isha Foundation. My next offering would be to pen down my experiences in short stories, common people’s experiences and my thoughts on various topics. It will be either eBook or blogs. Or even a cookbook!!! I wish people were more sensitive, caring and had compassion for others around them. My goal is to help people understand life and help them deal with it. We all have our ups and downs. Some downs are so bad that it changes us completely. But one must never give-up on life no matter what. I have learned it hard way in fact still learning. I’m not perfect. Humble and excited, I look forward to your feedback at

Ajay Balamurugadas
Ajay Balamurugadas

Ajay Balamurugadas, goes by the handle ‘ajay184f’ in the testing community and is continuously re-inventing his testing methodology. He co-founded Weekend Testing – a worldwide movement for skilled testing, authored multiple books available at and His friends associate the terms – ‘Change Agent, Idea Man, Motivational’ to him. He tweets under @ajay184f and loves to have long conversations on software testing and life in general. He is currently working at GSPANN Technologies, Inc. as Senior Director – QE. When not testing, he spends time with his wife and two children.

Khushboo Rajpurohit
Khushboo Rajpurohit
Vijay More
Vijay More

Reader Testimonials

Apoorva Ram
Apoorva Ram

Relive the memories

This book is a journey most of us(engineers in India) would relate to. It is no less than watching a Bollywood movie on College life. On a Sunday evening, with a hot cup of coffee, this book made me walk through the memories of my college with some wonderful catchphrases and well-articulated anecdotes. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has spent their 4years of engineering in a Hostel!

Table of Contents

Introduction | Prologue | New Start | Fun Begins | Dhamaal Days | Pre=Maturity Days | Maturity Days | Epilogue | Sweet Memories | Other Books by Author | Recommendation & Credits

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