Web Hacking 101
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Web Hacking 101

How to Make Money Hacking Ethically

About the Book

With a Foreword written by HackerOne Co-Founders Michiel Prins and Jobert Abma, Web Hacking 101 is about the ethical exploration of software for security issues but learning to hack isn't always easy. With few exceptions, existing books are overly technical, only dedicate a single chapter to website vulnerabilies or don't include any real world examples. This book is different.

Using publicly disclosed vulnerabilities, Web Hacking 101 explains common web vulnerabilities and will show you how to start finding vulnerabilities and collecting bounties. With over 30 examples, the book covers topics like:

  • HTML Injection
  • Cross site scripting (XSS)
  • Cross site request forgery (CSRF)
  • Open Redirects
  • Remote Code Execution (RCE)
  • Application Logic
  • and more...

Each example includes a classification of the attack, a report link, the bounty paid, easy to understand description and key takeaways. After reading this book, your eyes will be opened to the wide array of vulnerabilities that exist and you'll likely never look at a website or API the same way.

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About the Author

Peter Yaworski
Peter Yaworski

Peter Yaworski is a self-taught developer who started off "developing" websites with Drupal. As he slowly started picking things up, he published YouTube video tutorials to give back to others.

He has since moved on to Rails and Android before developing a keen interest in software security. Right now, he is focused on developing Dailylearns.com, where he is the Lead Developer, and continuing to learn about software development best practices.

You can find his site at www.TorontoWebsiteDeveloper.com or message him on Twitter.

Reader Testimonials

Danil Gribkov
Danil Gribkov


I highly recommend Web Hacking 101. The $10 I paid was more than worth it when I got a $500 bounty from PayPal using examples Pete provided. Combined with the constant updates he provides, which I have access to for life, it's a great buy.

Jason Haddix
Jason Haddix

Father, hacker, Director of Technical Operations @Bugcrowd, blogger, & nerd

I support Bounty Hunters, #reading Web Hacking 101: How to Make Money Hacking Ethically by @yaworsk #bugbounty - leanpub.com/web-hacking-101 --Twitter

Michiel Prins
Michiel Prins

Co-Found of HackerOne

Want to explore the art and skill of hacking? Try the latest release of @yaworsk's book! --Twitter

Jobert Abma
Jobert Abma

Co-Founder of HackerOne

Anyone who's interested in web hacking and making money with it, I'd recommend reading this book: leanpub.com/web-hacking-101! #bugbounty --Twitter

Leo Niemelä
Leo Niemelä

CSO at LocalTapiola Group

Worth to read (just bought my copy): How to Make Money Hacking Ethically by @yaworsk leanpub.com/web-hacking-101 #bugbounty --Twitter

Ben Sadeghipour
Ben Sadeghipour

Bug Bounty participant. Blogger. Gamer.

Awesome book written by @yaworsk. If for some reason you haven't read it yet make sure you do! --Twitter

Jonathan Avery
Jonathan Avery


Real-world case studies that helped me score a $600 "Hack The Pentagon" bounty. This book also gave me the confidence boost I needed to land a high paying job as a security engineer at a top aerospace defense company.


Security researcher @sucurisecurity

Superb work by @yaworsk in leanpub.com/web-hacking-101 I couldn't recommend it more, awesome writing style, you definitely should get it! --Twitter


Pseudo hacker, information security lover, and bug bounty participant

Web hacking 101 is an amazing beginners guide to breaking web applications as a bug bounty hunter. All sections of the book are backed up by references from actual publicly disclosed vulnerabilities. The focus on the unique findings for each category will more than likely teach some new tricks. It is well worth double the asking price.

Andy Grunwald
Andy Grunwald

Software Engineer (Site Reliability and Platform Engineering) at @trivago. I solve problems and put things into production.

I recommend "Web Hacking 101" about bug bounties and web security. Great book. Thank you @yaworsk leanpub.com/web-hacking-101 #bugbounty --Twitter

Table of Contents

  • 1. Foreword
  • 2. Introduction
      • How It All Started
      • Just 30 Examples and My First Sale
      • Who This Book Is Written For
      • Chapter Overview
      • Word of Warning and a Favour
  • 3. Background
  • 4. Open Redirect Vulnerabilities
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Shopify Theme Install Open Redirect
      • 2. Shopify Login Open Redirect
      • 3. HackerOne Interstitial Redirect
    • Summary
  • 5. HTTP Parameter Pollution
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. HackerOne Social Sharing Buttons
      • 2. Twitter Unsubscribe Notifications
      • 3. Twitter Web Intents
    • Summary
  • 6. Cross-Site Request Forgery
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Shopify Twitter Disconnect
      • 2. Change Users Instacart Zones
      • 3. Badoo Full Account Takeover
    • Summary
  • 7. HTML Injection
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Coinbase Comments
      • 2. HackerOne Unintended HTML Inclusion
      • 3. Within Security Content Spoofing
    • Summary
  • 8. CRLF Injection
    • Description
      • 1. Twitter HTTP Response Splitting
      • 2. v.shopify.com Response Splitting
    • Summary
  • 9. Cross-Site Scripting
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Shopify Wholesale
      • 2. Shopify Giftcard Cart
      • 3. Shopify Currency Formatting
      • 4. Yahoo Mail Stored XSS
      • 5. Google Image Search
      • 6. Google Tagmanager Stored XSS
      • 7. United Airlines XSS
    • Summary
  • 10. Template Injection
    • Description
      • Server Side Template Injections
      • Client Side Template Injections
    • Examples
      • 1. Uber Angular Template Injection
      • 2. Uber Template Injection
      • 3. Rails Dynamic Render
    • Summary
  • 11. SQL Injection
    • Description
      • SQL Databases
      • Countermeasures Against SQLi
    • Examples
      • 1. Drupal SQL Injection
      • 2. Yahoo Sports Blind SQL
      • 3. Uber Blind SQLi
    • Summary
  • 12. Server Side Request Forgery
    • Description
      • HTTP Request Location
      • Invoking GET Versus POST Requests
      • Blind SSRFs
      • Leveraging SSRF
    • Examples
      • 1. ESEA SSRF and Querying AWS Metadata
      • 2. Google Internal DNS SSRF
      • 3. Internal Port Scanning
    • Summary
  • 13. XML External Entity Vulnerability
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Read Access to Google
      • 2. Facebook XXE with Word
      • 3. Wikiloc XXE
    • Summary
  • 14. Remote Code Execution
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Polyvore ImageMagick
      • 2. Algolia RCE on facebooksearch.algolia.com
      • 3. Foobar Smarty Template Injection RCE
    • Summary
  • 15. Memory
    • Description
      • Buffer Overflow
      • Read out of Bounds
      • Memory Corruption
    • Examples
      • 1. PHP ftp_genlist()
      • 2. Python Hotshot Module
      • 3. Libcurl Read Out of Bounds
      • 4. PHP Memory Corruption
    • Summary
  • 16. Sub Domain Takeover
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Ubiquiti Sub Domain Takeover
      • 2. Scan.me Pointing to Zendesk
      • 3. Shopify Windsor Sub Domain Takeover
      • 4. Snapchat Fastly Takeover
      • 5. api.legalrobot.com
      • 6. Uber SendGrid Mail Takeover
    • Summary
  • 17. Race Conditions
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Starbucks Race Conditions
      • 2. Accepting HackerOne Invites Multiple Times
      • 3. Exceeding Keybase Invitation Limits
      • 4. HackerOne Payments
    • Summary
  • 18. Insecure Direct Object References
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Binary.com Privilege Escalation
      • 2. Moneybird App Creation
      • 3. Twitter Mopub API Token Stealing
    • Summary
  • 19. OAuth
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Swiping Facebook Official Access Tokens
      • 2. Stealing Slack OAuth Tokens
      • 3. Stealing Google Drive Spreadsheets
    • Summary
  • 20. Application Logic Vulnerabilities
    • Description
    • Examples
      • 1. Shopify Administrator Privilege Bypass
      • 2. HackerOne Signal Manipulation
      • 3. Shopify S3 Buckets Open
      • 4. HackerOne S3 Buckets Open
      • 5. Bypassing GitLab Two Factor Authentication
      • 6. Yahoo PHP Info Disclosure
      • 7. HackerOne Hacktivity Voting
      • 8. Accessing PornHub’s Memcache Installation
      • 9. Bypassing Twitter Account Protections
    • Summary
  • 21. Getting Started
    • Reconnaissance
      • Subdomain Enumeration
      • Port Scanning
      • Screenshotting
      • Content Discovery
      • Previous Bugs
    • Testing the Application
      • The Technology Stack
      • Functionality Mapping
      • Finding Vulnerabilities
    • Going Further
    • Summary
  • 22. Vulnerability Reports
    • Read the disclosure guidelines.
    • Include Details. Then Include More.
    • Confirm the Vulnerability
    • Show Respect for the Company
    • Bounties
    • Don’t Shout Hello Before Crossing the Pond
    • Parting Words
  • 23. Tools
    • Burp Suite
    • ZAP Proxy
    • Knockpy
    • HostileSubBruteforcer
    • Sublist3r
    • crt.sh
    • IPV4info.com
    • SecLists
    • XSSHunter
    • sqlmap
    • Nmap
    • Eyewitness
    • Gowitness
    • Gobuster
    • Meg
    • Shodan
    • Censys
    • What CMS
    • BuiltWith
    • Nikto
    • Recon-ng
    • GitRob
    • CyberChef
    • OnlineHashCrack.com
    • idb
    • Wireshark
    • Bucket Finder
    • Race the Web
    • Google Dorks
    • JD GUI
    • Mobile Security Framework
    • Ysoserial
    • Firefox Plugins
      • FoxyProxy
      • User Agent Switcher
      • Firebug
      • Hackbar
      • Websecurify
      • Cookie Manager+
      • XSS Me
      • Offsec Exploit-db Search
      • Wappalyzer
  • 24. Resources
    • Online Training
      • Web Application Exploits and Defenses
      • The Exploit Database
      • Udacity
    • Bug Bounty Platforms
      • Hackerone.com
      • Bugcrowd.com
      • Synack.com
      • Cobalt.io
      • Video Tutorials
      • youtube.com/yaworsk1
      • Seccasts.com
      • How to Shot Web
    • Further Reading
      • OWASP.com
      • Hackerone.com/hacktivity
      • https://bugzilla.mozilla.org
      • Twitter #infosec and #bugbounty
      • Twitter @disclosedh1
      • Web Application Hackers Handbook
      • Bug Hunters Methodology
    • Recommended Blogs
      • philippeharewood.com
      • Philippe’s Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/phwd-113702895386410
      • fin1te.net
      • NahamSec.com
      • blog.it-securityguard.com
      • blog.innerht.ml
      • blog.orange.tw
      • Portswigger Blog
      • Nvisium Blog
      • blog.zsec.uk
      • brutelogic.com.br
      • lcamtuf.blogspot.ca
      • Bug Crowd Blog
      • HackerOne Blog
    • Cheatsheets
  • 25. Glossary
      • Black Hat Hacker
      • Buffer Overflow
      • Bug Bounty Program
      • Bug Report
      • CRLF Injection
      • Cross Site Request Forgery
      • Cross Site Scripting
      • HTML Injection
      • HTTP Parameter Pollution
      • HTTP Response Splitting
      • Memory Corruption
      • Open Redirect
      • Penetration Testing
      • Researchers
      • Response Team
      • Responsible Disclosure
      • Vulnerability
      • Vulnerability Coordination
      • Vulnerability Disclosure
      • White Hat Hacker
  • 26. Appendix A - Take Aways
    • Open Redirects
    • HTTP Parameter Pollution
    • Cross Site Request Forgery
    • HTML Injection
    • CRLF Injections
    • Cross-Site Scripting
    • SSTI
    • SQL Injection
    • Server Side Request Forgery
    • XML External Entity Vulnerability
    • Remote Code Execution
    • Memory
    • Sub Domain Takeover
    • Race Conditions
    • Insecure Direct Object References
    • OAuth
    • Application Logic Vulnerabilities
  • 27. Appendix B - Web Hacking 101 Changelog

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