Simplified JavaScript for Very Important Programmers
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Simplified JavaScript for Very Important Programmers

The Fast Track to Mastering Essential JavaScript Concepts

About the Book

"Simplified JavaScript for Very Important Programmers" is a practical guide for everyone who wants to master the essential parts of JavaScript without wasting time on convoluted explanations or struggling to make sense of ambiguous words. The book is packed with real-world examples and clear, concise language that breaks technical concepts into easy-to-understand chunks.

Whether you're a student, an entrepreneur, or simply someone interested in programming, this book will guide you through every aspect of JavaScript you need to become a proficient programmer. The book covers all the fundamentals of JavaScript, including variables, data types, operators, control structures, functions, objects, and arrays. You'll also learn advanced topics like asynchronous programming, browser storage, and DOM manipulation.

By following the step-by-step examples and exercises in this book, you'll gain a solid understanding of JavaScript and build practical skills that you can apply to your projects.

If you're looking for a practical and enjoyable way to learn JavaScript, this is the perfect book for you.

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    • Web Development
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About the Author

Ebenezer Don
Ebenezer Don

Ebenezer Don is the Founder of, a learning platform focused on helping developers learn to code and collaborate with one another. With over 10 years of experience in the software industry, he has worked on a variety of projects, from web and mobile applications to data analytics and machine learning.

He is passionate about breaking down complex topics into their simplest forms and has a deep commitment to sharing his knowledge with other developers. Ebenezer has also organised many technical workshops and is a regular speaker at tech conferences and meetups, where he shares his insights on software architecture, web development, and Artificial Intelligence.

In addition to his work with NewDev, Ebenezer is an active contributor to the open-source community, where he has created and maintained several projects. When he's not coding or teaching, you can find him exploring new technologies, writing, or spending time with his family.

Table of Contents

    • Introduction
    • What is JavaScript and How Does it Work?
      • How Does JavaScript Work?
      • History of JavaScript
      • Differences Between JavaScript and HTML/CSS
      • Uses of JavaScript across multiple fields
    • How to write and run JavaScript code
      • Using a web browser
      • Using an online code editor
      • Using an offline code editor
    • JavaScript syntax and Data types
      • Syntax
      • Data Types
      • Comments in JavaScript
      • Basic conditional statements (If-else)
    • Variables in JavaScript
      • Introduction
      • Variable declaration and assignment
      • Variable naming rules and conventions
    • Basic JavaScript operators
      • Arithmetic operators
      • The Concatenation operator
      • Assignment operators
      • Comparison operators
      • Logical operators
    • Functions
      • How to define functions in JavaScript
      • The return keyword
      • Function Parameters vs Arguments
      • More on the return statement
      • Anonymous functions
      • Multi-line return statements
      • Arrow Functions
      • Functions best practices
      • JavaScript String Methods
      • JS Math functions
    • Arrays
      • Declaring and Initializing Arrays
      • Accessing and modifying Array Elements
      • Array Length
      • Array Methods
    • Higher Order Functions (HOFs) and Callbacks
      • Creating Higher-order functions
      • Built-in HOFs and Array Methods
      • The JavaScript Timing methods
    • JavaScript Objects
      • Rules and Guidelines for creating objects
      • Adding, modifying and Removing Properties
      • Object.prototype
      • Object methods
      • Object destructuring
    • Conditional Statements
      • Else-if statements in JavaScript
      • Nested if statements
      • The Switch statement
      • The ternary operator
    • Loops
      • The for Loop
      • The loop
      • The for...of loop
      • The while Loop
      • The do...while Loop
    • The Document Object Model (DOM)
      • Accessing the DOM
      • Modifying DOM Elements
      • Removing elements from the DOM
      • Traversing the DOM
      • Conclusion
    • How to include JavaScript in an HTML file
      • Writing JavaScript in the HTML file (inline JavaScript)
      • Creating a separate JavaScript file (external JavaScript)
      • Conclusion
    • Browser Events
      • Event Object Properties and Methods
      • Browser Event types and listeners
      • Keyboard Events
      • Form Events
      • Window Events
    • Browser Storage
      • Cookies
      • LocalStorage and SessionStorage
    • Building A Todo List App with JavaScript
      • Using HTML to structure our app
      • Using JavaScript to add functionality to our app
      • Rendering saved tasks to the browser
      • Adding tasks to the list
      • Marking tasks as complete
      • Removing Tasks
      • Conclusion
    • Asynchronous JavaScript
      • What is Asynchronous JavaScript?
      • Promises
      • Promise Methods
      • Making HTTP Requests with Promises and the Fetch API
      • Async/Await
    • Working with Date and Time
      • Creating a Date Object
      • Getting the Date and Time Components
      • Setting the Date and Time Components
      • Formatting Dates and Times
    • Final Thoughts

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