3D Game and Graphics Programming using UNIGINE
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3D Game and Graphics Programming using UNIGINE

C++, C#, and CG Artist perspective

About the Book

Begin your journey of 3D computer graphics for game programming, VFX development, virtual and mixed reality with C++ and C#. Whether you are discovering Unigine for the first time or refreshing your knowledge about Photo-realistic renderings, this book gives the definitive introduction to how to do it in 3D computer graphics?

You will Learn,

  • Create virtual worlds, composite physically-based 3D scenes, spatial sound, tricks, and techniques. 
  • Atmospheric and camera models, Graphics and game patterns
  • Virtual and Mixed Reality builds
  • Game and graphics programming in C++ and C#
  • Procedural rendering using UUSL (Direct3D and OpenGL)
  • In-depth debugging and optimizations of the 3D scenes

About the Author

Rohit Gonsalves
Rohit Gonsalves

Rohit Gonsalves has been building 3D computer graphic programs for high-end enterprise products, a trainer for virtual reality and mixed reality, and co-founder of a company. He is a technical reviewer for the books on the topic of game programming and Augmented Reality.

Rohit loves to connect computer graphics, video, media, and devices to create beautiful XR (Extended Reality) workflows.

He lives in a small town close to Mumbai that was the point of interest in the history of Portuguese, British, and Marathas.

Table of Contents

  • CHAPTER 1: Install and Setup UNIGINE-2
    • UNIGINE and System Requirements
    • Installing UNIGINE SDK Browser and Licenses
    • Setup A Windows development environment
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 2: Introduction of UNIGINE Engine
    • Engine Features
    • Engine Fundamentals and Build Platforms
    • Logging, Start-up Options, Configuration files, and Console
    • File Systems and Performance Analyzer
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 3: Creating your first Project
    • Create Project in SDK Browser
    • UNIGINE SDK Browser Project Format
    • Introduction to UNIGINE Editor
    • Asset Workflow: GUID, Runtime files creation, and handling of assets.
    • Run via Code
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 4: Virtual Worlds: Nodes, Surfaces, and Players
    • Coordinate System and 3D models and Export
    • Importing 3D Models: Geometry, Animations, Textures, Lights, and materials
    • Nodes and Surfaces: LOD’s, Nodes, Converted Engine Objects
    • Players: Virtual Camera and properties, View Bitmasking
    • Project: Sample Project with Models and Players (GitHub)
    • Programming: Rotate the node continuously, Start the animation after a pre-defined time. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 5: File System and Render Settings
    • Unigine File System
    • Asynchronous Data Streaming
    • Render Settings: Environment, Camera Effects, Antialiasing, Textures, color correction, DOF.
    • Project: Sample Project with render settings (GitHub)
    • Programming: Change the rendering settings at run time (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 6: Paint the Surfaces: Textures and materials, Metalness Workflow
    • Textures: Colors and transparencies, mipmaps
    • Unigine materials and materials inheritance
    • PBR workflow and creating new material
    • Project: Material Mapping and material Inheritance (GitHub)
    • Programming: Access material parameters and change them at run time. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 7: Lightning and Reflections: Global Illumination, Lights, and Day of Time
    • Types of lights
    • Global Illumination
    • Types of Reflections and settings
    • Project: Different types of Lights and reflection implementation (GitHub)
    • Programming: Add Lights programmatically and program the light settings and change the time of day. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 8: Behaviors and Logic: Properties and Component Systems
    • Unigine Properties: Files, structure and usage
    • Component system
    • Project: Add Components to existing nodes (GitHub)
    • Programming: Program a component to jump if any other node comes into its vicinity. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 9: Cinematics using tracker
    • Introduction to Unigine Tracker
    • Project: Cinematic using players and other tracks. (GitHub)
    • Programming: Program a tracker using UnigineScript. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 10: Exteriors: Terrain, Vegetation, Grass, roads, and Fields
    • Introduction Terrain Objects in Unigine
    • Vegetation Add-on and Grass Objects.
    • Road Tool and Fields.
    • Project: Exterior scene with the terrain. (GitHub)
    • Programming: Roll the sphere on terrain.(GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 11: Decorate your world: Water, Volumes, Clouds, and Sky
    • Water
    • Volumes
    • Clouds
    • Sky
    • Project: Scene with water and clouds. (GitHub)
    • Programming: Float an object over water with waves. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 12: Effects: Particles and Decals
    • Particle System
    • Decals
    • Project: Decals on roads and smoke and fire particles. (GitHub)
    • Programming: Shooting decals Example. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 13: Making it responsive: Collisions, Intersections, Rigid Body Physics, and Physicals
    • World Collisions, and intersections. Properties and API
    • Physics: Rigid body physics, Shapes, and Joints.
    • Project: World with Physicals and Rigid Body Physics. (GitHub)
    • Programming: Physical callbacks and physics triggers. (GitHub)
    • Programming: Intersection and collision detections. (GitHub)
    • Programming: Object Picking. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 14: Pathfinding and obstacles
    • Navigation objects
    • Obstacles
    • Programming: Writing a simple implementation for the crowd. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 15: Spatial Sound
    • Sound Objects
    • Project: 3D Sound effect world (GitHub)
    • Programming: Playing sound on collisions and playing ambient sound. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 16: User Interfaces: Unigine Widgets Graphics
    • Programming GUI: Containers, Widgets, and Localisation
    • RC Files and Skin Layouts
    • Project: Small world with User interface and skins. (GitHub)
    • Programming: Create User interface and handle the callbacks (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 17: Creating your build
    • Create Build
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 18: Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality
    • Virtual Reality Support
    • Mixed Reality Support
    • Programming: Properties and component for Lens calibration for mixed reality (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 19: Debugging and Optimisations
    • Debugging using micro profiler
    • Techniques for Content Optimizations
    • Programming: Microprofiler programming (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 20: Extending Unigine Functionality using Plugins
    • Plugins
    • Programming: Writing a simple Plugin (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 21: Procedural Shading
    • UUSL
    • Vertex, Pixel, and Compute shaders
    • Programming: Write a custom material to change the scene to black and white. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • CHAPTER 22: Boids Example
    • Programming: BOIDS Program to simulate birds flock. (GitHub)
    • Summary
  • Acknowledgement

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