Vaughn Vernon
Vaughn Vernon is a software ecologist, architect, modeler, and optimizer of teams and individuals. Vaughn works with CTOs and other executive technologists, teams, and individual engineers, as a leading expert in Domain-Driven Design, Event-Driven, and Reactive Architecture, championing simplicity in the face of complexity. He helps teams and organizations optimize to realize business-driven and reactive systems as they transform from sprawling legacy systems. Vaughn is the author of four best-selling books, and is the curator and editor of his Addison-Wesley Vaughn Vernon Signature Series.
* Founder and Chief Architect: Domo, the modeling tool supporting EventStorming and Domain-Driven Design; the OSS XOOM Platform, supports rapid development, Low-Code to Pro-Code, #DDDesign #Reactive, #EventDriven, #Microservices for the JVM and .NET: https://github.com/vlingo and https://github.com/vlingo-net
* Instructor and Keynote Speaker: IDDDWorkshop (.com) globally; keynote speaker
* Editor: Vaughn Vernon Signature Series, Pearson/Addison-Wesley
* Author: "Strategic Monoliths and Microservices—Driving Change With Purposeful Architecture" published by Addison-Wesley, 2021
* Author: "Domain-Driven Design Distilled" best seller published by Addison-Wesley. Makes DDD approachable for developers, architects, business experts, and senior management
* Author: "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" published by Addison-Wesley, 2013. DDD best seller
* Author: "Reactive Messaging Patterns with Actor Model" published by Addison-Wesley. Learn why you should use the Actor model and how to do so successfully