![Amin profile square](https://d39qdlcrvnra4b.cloudfront.net/avatars/1286424/original/Amin_Profile_Square.jpg?1522139638)
Armin Briegel
I have been working with Macs for over twenty-five years and probably held most existing technical job titles at one time or another.
I worked for nearly ten years at Apple Germany and US as a Systems Engineer, Consulting Engineer, and Solutions Architect.
Then I worked for five years as System Administrator at University of Southern California where I had to put Mac management theory in to practice with Jamf Casper, Munki, and many, many custom scripts and packages.
We recently moved back to Europe which gives me an opportunity to ponder my career, the present and future of Mac management, and write about all of it.
Aside from writing the weblog and books, I work as a Consultant at [Pro Warehouse](https://prowarehouse.nl), a Dutch Mac Reseller and system provider.
- Weblog: [Scripting OS X](https://scriptingosx.com)
- Micro.blog: [@scriptingosx](https://micro.blog/scriptingosx)
- MacAdmins Slack: [scriptingosx](https://macadmins.slack.com/team/scriptingosx)