Vagner Figueredo de Santana
Research Scientist, Certified Data Scientist, and Master Inventor at IBM Research. Holds a PhD and MSc in Computer Science from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in 2012 and 2009, respectively, as well as a BSc degree in Computer Science from Presbyterian University Mackenzie in 2006. Passionate about user behavior analysis, researching about how people interact with devices in real contexts of use, aiming at responsible and inclusive recommendation systems and user interface personalization.
With a professional software development background since 2000, I previously served as a webmaster at Folha de S.Paulo (www.folha.com.br), a prominent Brazilian newspaper, from 2001 to 2007. Since 2006, my research has been focused on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and exploring the intersection of HCI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. My expertise encompasses problem understanding, field studies, data-oriented evaluation, and the delivery of intelligent user interfaces.
Engaged deeply with both the Brazilian and international HCI communities, I have assumed leadership roles and served as a reviewer for numerous prestigious HCI conferences and journals. Notably, I served as the general chair of the XV Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems (IHC 2016). In 2019, I took on the role of lead program chair for the IHC 2019 conference.
Joining IBM Research in 2012, I have actively participated in multiple projects across various industries, including IT services, Finance, Health Insurance, Education, Oil & Gas, Agriculture, and Responsible Computing. These projects involved leading teams dedicated to user research, Data Science, and product development using agile methodologies. In 2016, I attained the distinction of Master Inventor, followed by Data Scientist certifications in 2019 and 2022 (L1 and L2). Over the years, I have provided ongoing mentorship to researchers in the Intellectual Property (IP) process and served as an IP review board member for IBM patents. In 2021, I joined the IBM’s Responsible and Inclusive Technologies team, based in Yorktown, NY, where my research centers around creating tools and methods for helping teams to identify and mitigate negative societal impacts in the research and development of information technologies.
Filed and granted patents: http://bit.ly/vagnerpatents
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vagner_Santana
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=f0QLYG8AAAAJ&hl=en
Lattes Platform: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0796625901609802
Behance: http://be.net/santanavagner

Episode 240
An Interview with Vagner Figueredo de Santana