Ros Barber
But also scholar, lecturer, former computer programmer, with a background in science, a passion for history and literary biography, and an interest in the relationship between belief and perception. This sentence should explain my (perhaps disparate-seeming) writing interests: fiction and poetry (including The Marlowe Papers and Devotion), scholarly articles and books on Shakespeare and Marlowe (including Shakespeare the Evidence), and self-development work (including How to Achieve the Impossible). Having tried to separate myself into these different pockets for a few years (aware that to many they seem incompatible) I am now stitching myself together.
I love fiction. But I also love fact. There is a lot of fiction being passed off as fact, and vice versa. I do what I can to redress the balance.
I like clarity. I aim to achieve more of it. I try to help others have more of it too.
There. Suddenly everything I do makes sense.