Phil Phoenix
A Bit About Me
Born a war baby in 1942, I grew up in Bristol in the United Kingdom. Although I am now 73 years young, I still enjoy one of the trinkets of my childhood, it always was my all-time favorite, obviously - science fiction! Remaining dormant for forty years, it was the Eagle Comic instilled in me the need to become a science fiction writer, but it was H G Wells (among many) that really fired my imagination. Having two younger brothers, I remember constantly cajoling them into becoming nasty aliens, so that I could eliminate them with my trusty (now rusty) ray gun! We grew with a passion for motor bikes, my fathers fault, he also had a passion for them, my poor mother; she was out-numbered four to one! Strangely I didn't start writing seriously until I was 52, when a nightmare of cataclysmic proportions impressed itself on my conscious mind to the point where I wrote it down, and that dream eventually became my first novel JET!, and the first of what has become The JET! Trilogy. Divorced fifteen years ago I lived in Wells, Somerset, UK for thirteen years with my mother until she sadly had to go into a home. Now back in Bristol I have a lovely lady, Maria, and I'm close to my two beautiful daughters Emma and Hayley. I also have four gorgeous grandchildren.
Phil Phoenix.