Nic Briscoe
My full bio can be found on my website:
My two main projects are:
The Songs the Thing! and Unleashed & Unlimited
My books are available here on Leanpub, as well as on Apple Books and Amazon (search by book title and/or author).
Broadly speaking, I’m an independent creator: an author; cultural-explorer; mind-bomber; recording-artist and singer-songwriter. At the same time as being ‘independent’ I’m also an interdependent collaborator.
The underlying focus of my projects is cultural exploration. In particular (but not only): music, songwriting, Western values and rights, and the concept of 'freedom'. Especially our right to freedom of speech — advocating for it, propagating it, and maintaining it. My projects focus on how to constructively use my right to free speech.
I’m a father, grandfather, and husband. Spiritually I’m Buddhist. I love to travel and, when I remember, I’m a health enthusiast too!
I currently divide my time between Spain and the UK.