Neal Terrell
Hi, I'm Neal! I am a lecturer in the Computer Engineering and Computer Science department at California State University Long Beach. What's a lecturer? We are faculty members who only teach, as opposed to professors who do research, publish, and administer a department. All the time that professors spend advancing the state of the art of computer science, I get to spend learning and practicing to be a better teacher.
I teach a lot of different courses: theory and mathematics classes like discrete math, algorithms, and data structures; programming-focused classes like introductory Python and intermediate Java and C++; and senior electives in programming language theory and design, search engine technology and information theory, and .NET development. My students know me (I think) as a challenging but fair instructor who demands a lot but provides the resources necessary for success to those who seek them.
I have been programming with C# since 2002, and it remains my favorite programming language. I am also proficient in C++0x, Java, Python, JavaScript, Clojure, F#, and know enough Erlang and Prolog to get in trouble.