Matthias Nehlsen
Hello, my name is Matthias and I'm a software engineer from Hamburg, Germany. After spending too many years in IT operations and project management, I decided that it would be more fun to write software fulltime. I started out with C#, did some Java with Spring and ended up writing Scala for the last two years or so. But none of these choices turned out to be as much fun as I was initially hoping for. Luckily I met Clojure, which finally provided the fun I have been looking for all the time. That was enough for me to write a Farewell Note to Scala and decide that I want to focus on Clojure fulltime.
I really started writing Clojure code in July 2014 after reading a few books about it, and I rewrote my BirdWatch application in Clojure and ClojureScript within a couple of weeks. During that process I noticed that there aren't many resources about composing complex systems in Clojure. I started a blog series about the topic, but I believe a book is a better format for this content than a series of separate articles, which is why I started the authoring process here on Leanpub.com.