Marcello Scattolini
I had an Intensive and yet simple childhood, discovering the power of friction on the most unexpected way possible. Always wanted to purchase a pet and a video game, but couldn't. Attended a catholic school and afterwards, was approved to technical high school, experiences which set up my foundations. An unexpected turmoil took place at 17 years old, to which I am grateful, even today. Seeing death face to face allowed me to appreciate most of things that are taken for granted by general population. Due to the need to explore the brevity of existence, entered Medical course. Being familiar to the misery of human condition and always listening more than speaking were key to turn my life denser. After graduation, dedicated to the understanding of how human care is perceived and appraised, for roughly 10 years. Five years ago, decided to enter pharmaceutical companies, where I could learn and harvest thoroughly management precepts. Thus, last15 years provided me priceless experiences which have been worthwhile to observe and evaluate human interactions and behaviors.