Lonnie Ezell
Lonnie Ezell is a Springfield, Missouri-based software developer, writer and musician. He has spent much of the past 8 years as a fulltime freelance consultant, helping his clients to build some amazing web properties. He maintains several open source projects include Bonfire and SprintPHP, both built on top of the CodeIgniter PHP framework. He is served as one of the CodeIgniter Council Members, helping to usher in a new, modern version of the beloved framework. He was the lead developer on the rewrite of CodeIgniter into version 4.
In the past, he co-hosted one of the premier tabletop RPG podcasts, Dragon's Landing. He currently plays guitar, penny whistle, and sings in the pirate band, Capt'n Black's Sea Dogs. When not coding, writing, or playing music, he spends most of free time with his wife, 3 kids, and 2 cats, and a gaggle of wonderful friends.