Jarkko Moilanen
Igniter and co-author of best-seller API Economy 101 ("API-talous 101") book in Finnish (soon to be translated to English). Read more (in Finnish) from https://apitalous101.fi, Tivi TOP100 ICT-influencer 2017 & 2018. Master of Social Sciences (innovations & hacker culture), PhD in information science (ecosystems).
Jarkko is leading API economy expert in Finland, experienced speaker at international events, long term API and open source community builder (API:Suomi) and passionate API Developer eXperience (APIOps) developer. Jarkko was leading APIs based value chain business and community development at APInf Oy during 2017.
Currently Jarkko is leading APIs driven Platform of Trust Developer Program. Responsibilities include development of platform Developer eXperience, portal development and community relations.