Fabien Potencier
Fabien Potencier discovered the Web in 1994, at a time when connecting to the Internet was still associated with the harmful strident sounds of a modem. Being a developer by passion, he constantly looked for better ways to build websites. Fabien founded the Symfony project in 2004 to fulfill this goal.
Fabien is a serial-entrepreneur, and among other companies, he founded Sensio in 1998 - which became SensioLabs in 2012 -, a software company
providing products, services, and technical support for the Open-Source Symfony framework. In 2018, he founded Symfony SAS, the company behind Symfony, the PHP Open-Source framework to focus on creating a new generation of SaaS solutions, designed to help PHP developers improve their code and their Symfony experience: SymfonyCloud, SymfonyInsight and the Symfony certification. On top of that, the company aims to lead the Open-Source project and the community and organize the Symfony conferences.
Fabien is also the creator of several other Open-Source projects, a writer, a blogger, a speaker at international conferences, and the happy father of two wonderful kids.